Chapter 30

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"I can't stand looking at your face anymore. You disgust me..."

Kate felt herself sobbing without pause, and she just wanted to get away, escape from this feeling of misery. But she was frozen against will, her feet glued to the ground because of their own weight.

And then, incredibly fast, just when she thought she was going to be stuck to this painful moment for a lifetime, she was suddenly sucked out of it by thin air.

She found herself running through a deserted road, surrounded by darkness that was more than a night could offer. She knew nothing at that moment, just the fear in her heart that something really bad was going to happen, and the only way to escape from it was by keeping on running. But then, a car appeared out of nowhere, its bonnet colliding against her body with furious force. She could feel her bones breaking, her head shook and all the organs inside her body twisted. The pain that attacked her now was all-consuming.

She lay helpless on the ground, unable to move any of her limbs. Even her eyes began fluttering close, which she knew by instinct was something even worse.

She had to keep her eyes open.

She had to, by any means, keep her eyes open.

But her eyelids were as if made of lead. And a baby, her baby was crying nearby.

She needed to save the baby. But she could not move, she could not keep her eyes open anymore.


"Kate. Kate! Sweety, wake up," a soothing voice pierced through her haze of pain. "It's just a dream, open your eyes, sweetheart. Shh..."

As she slowly drifted out of the prison of sleep and the cruel nightmare, she realized she was still sobbing from the feelings of so much distress and vulnerability. She opened her eyes to see a blurry view of Victor's face.

"That's it," he said, sighing in relief. "It's alright."

Panting, she raised a shaky hand and wiped the tears from her face as much as she could. Her sobs were reduced to hiccups.

"You still get those nightmares?" Victor asked, removing his hands from her shoulders now that she was awake and had calmed.

Victor was the only one who knew about her recurring nightmares. She had lived at his place for months, after all, after he had picked her up bloody and battered from the street.

"Often," she replied, her voice hoarse.

They wouldn't invade her every night in a regular basis anymore, but often they would, after having enough of getting bored lurking around the corner.

"But they still do, don't they? Often or not."

"I've accepted long ago that they've become a part of my life," she said through the lump in her throat and sighed.

He was sitting at the edge of her bed, leaning over her lying form. 

The lamp post outside the window dimly lit her bedroom. It created shadows on his face, adding to the lines of concern that marred his forehead and around those brown eyes.

His eyes were fascinating. They looked black when in daylight but she'd noticed, that whenever he was tired or sleepy... they would turn a shade lighter, they would turn a shade of mysterious brown.

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