Chapter 3

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A car stopped screeching on the deserted road.

A man in his mid-twenties came out of the car hurriedly. With a deep frown of shock and worry, he knelt down beside the bloody mess that was Kate.

Not wasting a second, he checked for her pulse and sighed seeing she was still alive. But by her state, he wondered—for how long.

She was barely breathing and had undoubtedly lost a hell lot of blood. The flood of red that surrounded her battered body made his head spin a little.

Bringing out his phone hurriedly he began dialing for an ambulance while leaning down and whispering in her ear in a soothing but panicky voice, "Hold on there, I've got you."


It was nearing afternoon the next day when Alex returned home, only to have his worried mother running towards him the moment he walked in the front doors. Alex didn't want to talk to anybody at the moment, he just wanted to be alone. His heart ached so much from this stab of betrayal from the woman he loved the most, he feared he would weep if he tried to speak.

But his persistent mother, the stubborn Tamara followed him as he dragged his heavy feet up the stairs.

"Just tell me what is going on, Alex." Tamara cried. "What am I hearing from your security? Kate has left with a suitcase last night and you were out the whole night as well. What the hell is going on?"

Boiling rage caught hold of every vein of his body the moment Kate's name was uttered. Alex spun around to face Tamara. "She's been cheating on me," he bellowed, his hands curling into fists on his sides. "That's what has been going on right under my nose the whole time."

Tamara could not believe her own ears. Alex was her only son and from the moment he had brought Kate home to meet her for the first time, she was aware of the boundless amount of love he felt for that girl. As Tamara was a regular churchgoer, she was dubious of the girl after knowing she often visits a creepy shrine. Nevertheless, She had given in later, witnessing how possessive Alex was over his wife and how much he doted on her. Oh, Kate. How could she do this to her son? Tamara bent down breathing heavily, her shaking hands grabbed onto the banister for support.

Leaving his mother in the flabbergasted state she was in, Alex stormed toward his room. Immediately his eyes fell on what was kept in the middle of his bedroom on a small table. A cake, flowers, and a collage holding many pictures of Kate, most of them had the bastard glued to her side that she had been fuc*ing all this bloody time.

What was Neil trying to prove by sending these to his house?

An anguished groan left Alex's mouth as he threw away everything that was on the table, violently he kicked away the table next. He panted, looking around the bedroom then, each corner had her memories. Hung on the walls were the framed moments of past years together, her smiling face in them now was mocking him ruthlessly.

Alex was briefly aware of his knees hitting the floor.

"Why?" his broken voice whispered, the agony resounding in the empty room. "Why did you do this to me?"

Eyes closed, sitting on the cold floor and barely aware of his surrounding, Alex didn't know how long he'd been like this. The noise of his bedroom door slamming open snapped him out of the dazed state. It was a bit hard to gather up the required energy and willpower to move and investigate the source of this unwanted disturbance, but Alex managed it somehow. And suddenly energy or willpower wasn't lacking in him anymore. Like a primal reaction, his blood boiled seeing Neil walk in.

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