Chapter 21

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Walking inside her apartment, distantly, Kate shut the door behind her. Her tears had been non-stop since the moment she had hurried out of the party, even the taxi driver had given her quite the concerned looks while driving. 

The silent sobs turned into muffled whimpers as the feeling of utter devastation surrounded her from all sides. The castle of strength she had been building till this day and with so much effort, she felt it collapsing miserably, it was as feeble anyway as was now her faith in fate. Her fists clenched to her sides when along with her increasing sobs her breathing got painfully labored.

The dull ache that had been present in her head throughout the entire day, had gradually transformed into the kind of pain that felt similar to a continuous violent stabbing. She held her head groaning and recalled the doctor's instruction to immediately give a call to the hospital emergency if something like this occurs. 

But the thing was, at that moment, she didn't feel like doing anything to have this pain stopped. Because this physical torment helped numb the acute burning in her heart. 

Kate felt truly broken today, broken to the extent that she realized she would probably never be able to mend herself again. Her heart desperately searched for a reason to beat but failed to locate one; she searched for at least a single minuscule ray of hope to hold onto but couldn't find any.

Gone were her hopes to begin a new life, gone was the promise she made to herself to forget the past and move on. The looming darkness finally embraced her in the same way loads of soil embrace a corpse.

A painful inhale of breath had her break out into a fit of violent coughs. The familiar bitter taste of blood erupted yet again at the roof of her mouth, quickly making its way down her throat until she spits out some of the warm red liquid. As she breathed next, a trail of blood dripped down her nostril as well. Her shaking fingers wiped the blood, she held them before her eyes and watched with a blurry vision--the sight of one diminishing life.

With staggering steps, she started towards her bedroom, but halfway she felt everything around her was as though spinning out of control. She leaned into the wall beside her and went to walk ahead like that, holding the wall as support leaving a smudged trail of red along the way. 

Her journey was cut short however when her hands bumped with the first pair of paintings, the paintings of green that Victor had hung there. They crashed onto the floor making humongous noise as the glass frames broke into hundreds of pieces.

Following her broken greens, she too collapsed on the floor. The many broken shards of glass dug into her skin all over.    

She could feel the warmth seeping out of her slowly, maybe for minutes or maybe for hours until a numbing cold surpassed the excruciating pain in her head.

The noise of her phone ringing reached her ears, she blinked her hazy eyes, and her spinning vision focused on the phone that laid close by. She could hold it if she stretched her hand a little and help would come, whoever was calling would know she was not well. Her fingers flinched beginning to move towards the phone, but then she stilled. 

"I can't stand looking at your face anymore. You disgust me, Kate, you and every memory I've of you, with you."

"...Now go back to your child, Kate, focus on it instead of chasing after my Alex."

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