Chapter 6

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Wearing a white top and a comfortable satin long skirt, Kate walked in. It was a busy day she could see. Seemed like the whole city was out shopping. Anyway, that was definitely a good thing for business. Victor's witty way of running his boutique business was really extraordinary, and Kate knew that soon this guy would climb up to the top of this line. His cordial nature, kind heart, and logical mind had created the recipe for success.

The staff, despite each being busy with the customers, turned to greet Kate with a smile or a hi.

Kate smiled, heaving a sigh. This was her family now, and she surely treated them like one. And by the looks of it, every bit of her efforts was being returned with incredible warmth as well.

True that she had lost too much in life, but here she was, blessed with so much more. Except for the lonely evenings, she felt like a new person now. All thanks to Victor.

Ellie came barging into the small office in the back of the boutique which had three desks cramped up in the small space. It was for the use of Kate, Ellie, and Victor whenever and whoever they needed them for work. Victor had been planning to extend the space and make separate cabins soon.

"Kate!" Ellie shrieked.

With a confused smile, Kate looked up from the desk after dropping her tote bag there. Ellie was such a drama queen. 

"What is it now?" she asked calmly.

"Where the dang is your dang phone?"

"In my bag," Kate replied. "Why?"

Ellie rolled her eyes. "Victor demands you check it," Only after Ellie pointed at it was when Kate saw that Ellie had her own phone in her now upraised hand. And by the looks of it - Victor was on the line and probably in a sour mood.

Kate raised a brow but then opened the zip of her bag and fished out her phone among many other things. She gasped seeing thirteen miscalls from Victor.

Wordlessly but putting up a smug smile Elli handed her phone to Kate. Biting her lip Kate took the phone and pressed it to her ear, putting down her own phone on the desktop.

"My phone's been on vibration," Kate explained. "Accidentally."

"I've been worried sick, Kate!" Victor screamed from the other side, and then he said in a softer voice, "I thought something had happened to you."

"You were worrying for no reason."

"No reason?" Victor snorted. "How about when you fainted in front of your apartment? Or when you had a throbbing headache and blanked out—and sat like a statue for four damn hours next to a trash can? Or the time at the street when...," Victor trailed off and then sighed after a minute. "At this rate, Kate, you're going to have to move back to my apartment again. I know how you crave independence, but this has to be done for the sake of your god damned well-being."

Sometimes, she became baffled by the way Victor worried for her. Alex did, too, until his jealousy and mistrust took over.

Kate shook her head furiously. No! She was not going to go back there. Her agony was scheduled to attack her in the darkness of night. Not now, not when she could soak all the necessary sunlight from the days she could.

"Victor," she said soothingly. "If something were to happen to me, like death or whatever, it could have happened by now already. You know that, don't you? I'm still alive and running fine," she finished cheekily.

But not her baby! How can it be that she was still breathing and that innocent little soul whom she didn't even get the chance to know was not!

"I'm freaking serious," Victor thundered. "I'm coming over there and we're going to talk about this."

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