Chapter 1

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"JALICE, come down here you lazy ass bitch! You're late for making us breakfast," My brother screamed.

My eyes shot open; I flung into a sitting position on my bed in a panic. I looked at my alarm clock to see it was dead. They had to prank me and destroy this alarm clock too? This was the third alarm clock I had bought; in one month!

I was late. I was going to get a handful for that, and a beating. Like it hasn't happened before?

"You Bitch! You were late and didn't make breakfast! What? Do you want the pack to starve because of you?!" My brother screamed, busting the door open. He stomped his way over to me. I tried to back up but it was too late.

He came at me in a flash. His eyes looked straight into mine when his right hand came in contact with my cheek. I hissed in pain; my head turning to the other side because of the force of the slap.

He smirked down at me evilly. He gave me a kick to my side before he threw the door close as he walked out.

Kevin Cross, brother to me Jalice Cross. Kevin is the Beta of our pack. Me, Jalice Cross the weakling of the pack. If I haven't mentioned we're werewolves. My pack is the Blueblood pack.

Kevin and I's parents died when I was only fourteen years old when there had been a rogue pack that wanted to kill the Alpha and our beta which had been my father. They died protecting me from the Alpha rogue of the pack when they found out I was the daughter of the Beta.

My pack had been furious, and devastated that their Beta and Healer-my mother- had been killed. They took it out on the cause of their death, me. They started abusing me. Giving me daily beatings, gave me all; each and everyone's chores, and were just down right mean to me from that moment on.

Well, lets get past the pity and sad stuff. Jalice Cross. I am 5'7, wavy brown hair, and dark hazel eyes. I'm seventeen and I will be turning eighteen in two days. I will be shifting into my wolf for the first time and I would find my mate.

"He had to hit me there!" I growled. I winced; lifted my shirt up to see the bruise starting to heal. I sighed, standing up from the floor and grabbing my towel.

I took a quick shower putting my hair into a side loose braid. I put on a green baggy shirt, a long sleeve sweater, and a regular old baggy sweat pants. I wore my long sleeve sweater to cover my scars and bruises.

I never done self harm or anything I just needed to cover them so no one would assume anything.

I wore my baggy shirt to cover the fact that I was skinny, way to skinny for my own good. You can see my ribs from a mile away, and my spine as well. The pack would never let me eat, they would let me starve, and the only time I would get food is lunch time in school. But mostly I wore a lot of layers of clothing because it kind of lessened the pain when the pack decides to beat me or their usual physical taunting; key words 'kind of'.

I put my glasses on seeing that they were dented from last week. They had pushed me down the stairs leaving me with six new bruises, and bent glasses.

I grabbed my bag, and headed down stairs keeping my head down to scared to look into anyone's eyes. Yet I didn't hear anything I looked up to see that no one was here. I moved closer to see there was a note on the fridge

'You will be punished this afternoon for not making breakfast for the pack and if we don't see you have done dinner when we get back don't keep your hopes up to see daylight tomorrow, bye bitch!'


I threw away the note feeling hurt by my brother's words. He's done this for a long time, calling me names, threatening me, beating me. Yet it still hurt every time he did do so. He was my brother; the one was who suppose to protect me. I stilled loved him, who can blame me, he was my own family. I loved him no matter what he did or does.

I looked at my watch to see that it was 8:50. School would be starting in ten minutes. I didn't have a car, and Kevin never drove me because he said I would make the car fall into pieces the moment I sat down.

I locked the door to the pack house and started running. Luckily the school was only nine minutes away. But I still new I would arrive late.

I ran to my first period which was math. The moment I opened the door the school bell rang.

"Miss Cross, you're late, again" Mr.Enright pointed out, again."Yes, I know and I'm sorry sir" I replied looking down at the ground. I felt eyes on me like always and it always made me uncomfortable, it was unwanted attention. "Same reply as always, Miss Cross, just take a seat" I started walking to my seat all the way in the back.

I didn't notice the foot that popped out and made me trip. I winced slightly as my side made contact with the floor, the bruise from the morning was still in the process of healing.

Every one started laughing as I looked up to see the one that tripped me.

"Oops" Nicole giggled with the rest of her slutty friends. Nicole the slut and whore of my pack. She was one of the main people who always teased me and did the most damage to me. I pushed my glasses closer to my face, and walked to my seat.

I have B's and C's in my classes mostly an A here and there but I am never the student for straight A's. Yeah, I studied but it mostly never stuck to me. My brother would tell me I'm too stupid to even be in a school.

The bell rang and I frowned; everyday when the bell would ring for second period, I would be at my locker getting my things when Nicole and her posy would punch and tease me till the late bell rang for second period.

I speed walked to my locker to switch my books to social studies. I closed the locker and turned, and froze in the process.

"Hey fat-Jalice didn't think you can speed walk away from us, did you?" Nicole laughed. Not Good!


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