Chapter 63

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Can't decide whether I like this chapter or not...I kind of don't. Oh well. 

Thanks to xsmile-todayx for providing the song for this chapter! It really does fit Nick and Shannon well. 


Chapter 63


Shannon’s P.O.V:


When I woke the next morning, the muscles in my arms were sore, but I had absolutely no idea why. I moaned as I sat up to stretch, the right side of my neck screaming in pain. I must have slept on it badly.

I gingerly rolled my shoulders and neck in circles to try and ease the stiffness. It didn’t work. So I swung my legs over the side of the bed, standing up while trying to move my neck as little as possible – not the easiest thing I’ve ever done.

It was in that instant that my day went from bad to ‘kill me now’. Yes, I stubbed my toe. Actually, I stubbed three toes. I don’t know how I did it – it will probably remain a mystery for the rest of my life. I was walking away from my bed, and nowhere near either end. So how did my foot suddenly slam into the bedpost at least a foot (no pun intended) and a half away?

I fell back onto the bed, clutching my foot in agony. I was glad nobody was around to hear the curses that fell out of my mouth. I’d never live it down.

When the pain had lessened to only an extremely painful throbbing, I attempted standing again. I limped my way to the door, my eyes fixed on the floor to avoid a repeat performance of my own idiocy.

If I scowled anymore, I’d probably have wrinkles within the hour. I couldn’t help it though; it was just one of those days. I also had the beginnings of a headache. One of the reasons I hadn’t drunk the night before was because I knew I had to work today, and I hadn’t wanted to have a freaking headache!

I felt those wrinkles deepen a little more.

All I wanted was some breakfast and some aspirin. I cursed again, halfway through the living room when I remembered that I’d given Nick all the aspirin when we got home the night before. I turned a glare on his closed door, slightly surprised that I didn’t instantly burn a hole in it. No way was I going to go fumbling through his dark room for a box of aspirin.

He was no doubt extremely hung over. I didn’t think we should be in the same room at that particular moment in time. It would be like simultaneously poking two sleeping bears, in the middle of winter. The fall out wouldn’t be pretty – I was sure of that.

As you can see, I had a lot of faith in our ability to be civil to each other. So I settled for glaring at his door, no doubt leaving me permanently squinty eyed – as well as wrinkled.

I stood there and glared until my stomach clenched in hunger. It was a hollow ache I couldn’t ignore.

I decided to treat myself to two chocolate Pop-Tarts. My mouth watered as I put them in the toaster.

“Nom” I said out loud, into the silence permeating the apartment. Great, now I was talking to myself.

Nick had bought a box for himself when he went shopping three days ago. This was my way of saying fuck you, while still getting to enjoy chocolaty goodness. He took my aspirin; I’ll take his Pop-Tarts. I ignored the fact that my thought process was completely irrational, and that I probably sounded like a crazy person – if someone were to read my mind at that moment.

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