Chapter 43

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Happy Christmas everyone!! know...whatever you celebrate...

Here is my present to you...I hope you enjoy (even though it’s a pretty boring Chapter)!!

Kaz xoxo


Chapter 43

Shannon’s P.O.V:

‘I see what you mean’ Nick said after Kylie and Holly left.

I shivered slightly from the cold I was only now beginning to feel.

I cocked my head in a silent question.

‘About your friends, they’re something alright’

I laughed, ‘that’s sort of an understatement, but very tactful. Now can we go inside?’

I hopped up off his lap, not waiting for a reply, and practically ran for the doors to the main shopping centre.

I just barely managed to dodge an old couple coming out the doors, laden down with bags. They both looked at me disapprovingly, and I called a ‘sorry’ over my shoulder as I went past.

I stopped a few feet away from the doors and took in my surroundings. The small, colourful train that drove from one end of the building to the other snaked past me, a few kids with a mother or a father laughing delightedly from one of the tiny carriages.

Christmas songs played over the speakers, and elaborate decorations were hung up everywhere.

Being here reminded me of being back at school, when you’d always see at least three people you knew at the weekend.

It was a strangely comforting feeling. People had always told me how different college would be, and how sheltered school life really was. I’d brushed aside their comments without a second thought, but being back here made me realise how right they’d been.

I slowly started to move forward, taking my time to just watch the other shoppers.

I made my way past shop after shop, knowing Nick would eventually catch up with me.

I stopped mid-step, causing a harried looking middle-aged man to bump into me. I glared after him as he moved off; cursing under his breath, before turning my head back to the bench just in front of me.

The inevitable had happened – I saw someone I knew.

He looked up and I knew the moment he realised it was me, a cheeky grin lit up his face.

I smiled and quickly made my way over to him.

‘Tell me I’m hallucinating’ he said immediately, but continued on before I had a chance to even open my mouth.

‘I must be hallucinating because the Shannon I know and love would never come home without calling me with exact details’

He glared at me and I sighed, giving him my best sad face.

‘Sorry Sean, I’ve been really busy, otherwise you know I would have called you’

He eyed me for another moment or two before another grin broke out across his face like the sun poking out from behind a dark cloud.

Next thing I knew, I was being encased in a pair of strong arms.

‘As long as it doesn’t happen again’ he said firmly, ‘I’ve missed you Babycakes’

I giggled happily, hugging him tightly, ‘missed you too sweetie pie’

Sean and I had known each other for years, having gone through school together.

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