Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Shannon's P.O.V:

"Shotgun!" I called as soon as we got within sight of Ryan's battered old Peugeot. I let go of both of them and hurried over to lean against the passenger door. I tapped my foot impatiently on the ground as I waited for them to catch up. Okay, I'll admit that I was being just a tad bit impatient, but all I wanted to do was get home. 

After Ryan had stored our luggage, we got into the car and he started the engine. After buckling my belt, I twisted around to the right so I could talk to both Ryan and Nick; who was in the back behind the driver's seat. "So who's at home?" I demanded as we slowly made our way to the exit.  

Ryan glanced at me, a slight smile pulling at his lips. "Everyone. We've all been avidly awaiting the prodigal daughter's return" he said snarkily.  

I grinned; "of course, I deserve nothing less" I told him, my tone just as sarcastic as his. He snorted but I ignored him. "Has Conor dropped by yet?"  

Ryan glanced at me again, this time frowning before checking his mirrors. "You haven't been talking to him?" 

I shook my head. "I've been really busy."  

He threw me a disbelieving look; "you two are never too busy for each other, if it wasn't for the fact that you lived in different countries, you'd be joined at the hip."  

"We're not that bad" I said, rolling my eyes.  

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nick silently watching our exchange, his eyes flicking back and forward between us. I managed to pull my attention away from him. "Why do you ask if I've talked to him or not?" I asked Ryan curiously.  

"Because he called mum the other day to tell her that he wouldn't be able to make it this year."  

I felt my face drop; "why?"  

He shrugged, "something about having to work" he said vaguely. "You'll have to ask him."  

I nodded, "I'll call him later...he always visits at Christmas."

We were quiet for a while, all of us lost in our own thoughts, the low murmur of the radio in the background the only thing breaking the silence until Ryan spoke up. "So Nick" he said, glancing at him quickly in the rear-view mirror as he turned onto the motorway. "What's it like living with my sister? I hope it's not too difficult. I know what it's like - she has tendencies to be moody, bitchy crazy and just plain weird. Especially if she has to get up early, or there's no tea." Ryan shuddered in horror.  

"God forbid" Nick said chuckling.  

I turned my head to glare at him but he just smiled innocently. When Ryan stopped laughing, I glanced at both of them with a small smile; "the sex is great" I said conversationally as if I was merely commenting on the weather.  

Both guys' heads snapped in in my direction with equal expressions of shock on their faces. Nick went pale and looked at me in horror, clearly not liking me telling my brother that we'd had sex - even if it wasn't true. I waved my hand in front of Ryan's eyes, "um, Ry? Road?" I said pointing out the windscreen.  

He quickly looked straight ahead again but I knew his attention was firmly locked on me. Thankfully, the road was straight so there wasn't much chance of him crashing. "What did you just say?" Ryan asked in a deadly voice, his hands clenched around the steering wheel.  

"I said; The. Sex. Is. Great." I told him, annunciating each word.  

"Shannon" Nick said in a strangled voice.  

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