Chapter 66

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Chapter 66


Nick’s P.O.V:


I dragged myself out of bed at half five the next morning. I could have slept for longer, but I had to make sure we weren’t late for our flight, and I wanted Shannon to have breakfast before leaving.

I eased myself away from Shannon with difficulty. I’d unwittingly acted as her pillow and security blanket during the night. Not that I minded in the slightest. In fact, it was undoubtedly the reason why I’d slept so well.

I shivered when the cold air hit me. Why did beds have to be the perfect temperature come morning? It just made it that much harder to get up.

I padded quietly back to my room, pulling on the first change of clothes I found in my wardrobe. I missed my things being in Shannon’s room. I missed sharing her room, her bed. Just another thing I’d taken for granted.

I grabbed the suitcase I’d used at Christmas from under my bed. Jay had never asked for it back. Therefore, it was now mine. I quickly packed for our trip, throwing in anything and everything I could possibly need. It didn’t help that I wasn’t sure how long we’d be gone for.

I mentally reminded myself that I needed to notify the college that we’d be gone. It was more for Shannon’s sake than my own – I didn’t want her getting in trouble for missing too much class.

When I was sure I had everything, I zipped up my suitcase and dropped it by the front door before going to wake Shannon. She needed to pack too. When I was sure she was completely awake, and not just going to fall back into unconsciousness the moment I left the room, I headed for the kitchen to make breakfast.

I decided to actually make an effort, and pulled the ingredients needed to make pancakes out of the fridge. I generally avoided cooking unless it was necessary. I could never seem to work up the energy needed.

It was a treat for me when Shannon cooked, not only because it meant I wouldn’t have to scrounge, but also because she was a damn good cooking. Unfortunately, even before she stopped talking to me, she didn’t often make me food…not wanting me to ‘presume’ or something like that; probably some feminist outlook that went over my head. Whatever.

I was cooking the last one when Shannon emerged from her room. She looked awful. Her skin was paler than usual, her face drawn, and there were dark circles beneath her eyes.

I pulled her into a tight hug. She clung to me and I tipped her face up to mine so I could kiss her lightly. She responded, if briefly, before pulling out of my embrace and walking out of the kitchen to take a seat at the table.

I watched her walk away, sighing as I rubbed a hand over my mouth. I could still feel her lips, a soft imprint against my own. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and set about serving up breakfast.

Shannon grimaced when I placed the plate in front of her. She pushed it away.

“Pancakes are your favourite” I coaxed.

“I’m not hungry” she said, her voice barely audible. It was slightly hoarse too; the aftereffects of crying.

“You need to eat” I said gently but firmly.

I watched her as I ate my own pancakes. She had a little bit, but she mainly just pushed the food around her plate.

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