The Modern Home

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Jordan's POV

I wake up to my mom screaming at my dad. I jumped out of bed and ran down to the living room. My dad was in the kitchen getting bags and my mom was yelling.

"You're not leaving me! Your not leaving!" as I saw tears rolling down her face.

My dad walks pass my mom with the bags and says "Good morning Jordan" I ignored it and watch him go upstairs into their room. My mom was now sitting on the couch, crying with her head down. I told walked up to her and said

"Mom everything is gonna be fine." Even though I had a gut feeling it's wasn't.

She didn't say anything so I walked upstairs and went into my room. I slammed the door as loud as I can to get both of their attention. I sat on the side of my bed and stared at the wall. After awhile I got my phone from my dresser and call James. James is my older brother away at college. I told him about what was happening between mom and dad. He was just kept telling me to stay calm and that he wish he was here to make everything okay. After I hung up I just sat in my room and had deep thoughts listening to the yelling happening downstairs.

"What a way to start off a Saturday. What a way to start off my summer vacation." I sighed and left my room and went to my parents room.

I looked around and noticed that all my dad clothes are gone. I go back downstairs and see my mom in the driveway watching my dad pull off. When he's finally in the street he looks me in my eyes and mouth "I love you Jordan" and pulled off. Just like that my mom just left me and my mom standing in the driveway. He didn't even tell me what was going on or why he left which hurt the most since we were so close. My mom then turns around and says

"Come on inside."

I walked back inside and sat on the couch and my mom starts explaining what happened

Eboni's POV

"Come on inside" I said to Jordan.

"So your father found another girl about a month ago and he claims he wants to marry her already." There was a sharp pain in my chest when I got the words out of my mouth.

Jordan's face just looked shocked and then she spat out. "Oh my god mom are u okay?" She always put others first.

I wanted to be strong for her so I said yes. I told her to remember to wait her turn for true love cause as you can see I'm still waiting, there's no rush. She looked me in my eyes and said "Okay mom"

Jordan's POV

I ended the conversation there and told my mom about the pool party next Tuesday. She laughed and said, "I know honey, u told me yesterday when u came home from school.

" Oh yeah I forgot I hurried up and said as I got up from the couch and made a bowl of cereal. Five minutes went by and I was done my mom smiles because she was watching me the whole time, as creepy as that sounds. I laughed and started to wash the bowl and my mom says

"No honey I'll get it"

"No mom I can wash out my bowl I just ate out of. I mean it won't hurt me you know."

"Okay" is all she said.

When I got done I went over to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I told her that I loved and appreciated her for everything and went upstairs. When I get up to my room, my window was open. I walked over to it and got pulled out. I screamed


The person quickly covered my mouth and put a bag over my head. They then put me into a moving vehicle and I heard them talking.

"Yeah this is her for sure."

I then started to cry. All I could think of is "Why me?" "What did I do?" "How did I get pulled from the second floor without any complications?" After about 45 minutes, the vehicle stops and they roughly pull me out and take me into a house. They take the bag off my head and I look around in fear. I felt cold on a very hot day. The house looks very modern. I think to myself

"Why am I here?"

The man comes back and asked if I were Jordan. I instantly lied and say "no." He glared at me and I quickly say "YES YES IM JORDAN SORRY." He grins and takes me upstairs where there is another girl that looks about my age Who seems very comfortable. Then man locks us in a room. I walked over to the girl and asked

"How long have you been here?"

The girl says "Only 2 years, How about you?" I felt tears hit my cheek. I had so many questions. "How Long will I be here?" "Why is this house so nice looking?" I snapped out of my thoughts and say "About 2 minutes."

The girl says "I remember when I got here. I was scared but now I'm use to everything. This is my home, by the way, I'm Hannah"

I stand there with wide eyes and scream "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED AND IM GOING TO BE HERE FOREVER!"

AUTHORS NOTE // So What did you guys think of chapter two? A lot has happened right? Her mom is going through so much now. That pool party she was so happy about seems to be canceled huh? Maybe not, who knows? Continue reading to find out more and tell me what u think about this chapter!! Vote and comment! I want to see you guys feedback! Don't be a ghost reader lol :)
Word count : 1012
XOXO - Ro ❤️

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