Chapter 1

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(above is a pic of Emma)

It's been a week since I came to the ground, an older couple found me in lying in the street and took me in and so far they have treated me like their daughter. They even said I could join a dance academy that's down the street. The only thing that sucks is that I have to go to school. Yay!

I guess I left at the perfect time since summer was just ending so I will be starting school with everybody else, hopefully, I'm not the only new student.

I had gotten my schedule and homeroom class number a few days before school started. I sat off to the right side of the room near the open window where I could see the school parking lot. People were slowly trickling in only being noticed by a few.

I heard the chair next to me move and I looked over and saw someone staring at the blank white board . "Hi, I'm Isabella," I said hoping to make a friend. She had dark brown wavy hair and sun-kissed skin. "Hi, I'm Emma, your new right?"

"Ya... I" I was about to say more before the teacher came in and started their teacher lecture of rules and such. I'm so glad that teachers don't make you introduce yourself anymore, I think they only do that in elementary school. 

Every class was the same they all explained what we are going to be learning this year. When it was time for lunch Emma and I went outside and sat on one of the picnic benches.

"What's your favorite color?" I blurted out

"um... blue, you?" she asked raising an eyebrow

"white, any siblings?"

"ya an annoying older brother, how about you any hot brothers?"

I chuckled "not that I know of"The rest of lunch we just went back and forth about random things about ourselves.

After school had finished Emma offered me a ride home and I gladly agreed.

She led me to a black jeep with no doors she jumped into the driver side while I hopped into the passenger side. When she started she drove slowly in front of a group of guys and screamed "Sam! I'm taking your car!"  

"What NO!" the guy in front of the group with black hair and tan skin yelled, she quickly took off speeding out of the parking lot. "Was that your brother?"

"Yep," she said popping the p "Well he's gonna kill you"

she just shrugged her shoulders "I'll just kill him first" she said with an evil smirk. I just laughed, it was so easy to fit in with them.

"Where do you live?" she asked

"Just keep going down the street then take a left its the white house on the right." When we got to my house I jumped out and thanked Emma before heading inside.


Hope you guys enjoyed!



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