Chapter 12

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I flopped down on the bed, my body sinking into the comforter. Shutting my eyes I took a deep breath, when we got back after visiting my step father we told the pack what was happening. The news spread like a forest fire everyone new in a madder of days and their was never a quiet moment to yourself. Sam was furious that I didn't tell him about the soon to be war sooner than when I did. In a few days all of the werewolf packs are going to meet in a huge clearing that is in the center of all the packs, and its also far away from human civilization so no human should be able to hear the war when it breaks out.

I already told Mr. and Mrs. Greening that I was leaving, and I thanked them for all the help that they gave me. I had packed up the little stuff that I brought with me and brought it to the pack house, and now its sitting on the floor next to the king size bed that I'm laying on right now.

The door to the room opened and someone walked in and shut the door, lifting my head up and looking over to the door I saw Zack running his hands threw his dirty blonde hair. He looked over at me and saw me watching. 

"How are you angel?"

"I'm fine, but you on the other hand look exhausted" He had dark circles under his green eyes that he could barley keep open.

I put my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes, I heard shuffling and then a door shut and the slower turned on.

If, no when this war happens I'm going to be going against my kind, when its all over I could possible be the last angel left in the world. How far will this war go? until one side surrenders or when there is no one else left to fight. Mom and Dad must be disappointed that I've sided with the  wolves. Why couldn't Mom just leave them alone, she has basically started a war because she is or was jealous.

The shower turned off and Zack walked out of the bathroom with a t-shirt and sweat pants, his hair still held little water droplets. He climbed under the covers and wrapped his arm around me, in a matter of seconds he feel asleep.


Every one has been by the gym the past few days practicing with weapons and hand to hand combat. I found Sam and jogged up to him trying to catch up.

"Sam" He turned and looked at me.

"How many people do you think will come in total?"

"Maybe a thousand" he shrugged his shoulders "why?"

"Are we going to kill all of the angels?"

"Only the ones that try to kill us" he joked with a smirk on his lips. He then realized that I didn't think it was funny his smirk turned into a straight line.

"Well my Mom is going to be bringing only trained warriors and there are probualy a good thousand of them." I ran a hand threw my hair in frustration, then an idea popped up in my mind, I grin spread a cross my face.


"I have an idea"

I turned and headed to the pack house, once I packed a few things I needed I bounded down the stairs and crashed into Emma.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"We need more people to help us with this fight or we will lose."

"Is Zack going with you too?"

Shit how could I forget about Zack "I was just going to find him, but no he's not coming"

"But Isabella" she wined "you just came back and now your leaving again."

"you're leaving" a familular voice asked behind me, I turned to see Zack with sadness filled in his eyes.

"We need more people and I have an idea where we can find more."


"You won't like it."

"I'm coming"

"No you're not and besides they need you here helping."

"You're not leaving without me"

"yes I am, I'm sorry Zack I have to do this on my own I'll be back in a few days" I gave him a peck on the cheek and went out the front door.

I left my wings come out feeling free once again,

I jumped into the air and let the wind take me.


   Hope you guys enjoyed

Where do you think she is going to get more people?



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