Chapter 3

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(pic of Isabella above)

I glanced at the clock in Emma's room it was almost eight.

"Um I need to leave soon," I said to Emma I didn't want to be home too late I didn't want to worry Mr. and Mrs. Green since they basically adopted me after all.

"Sure let's go," she said standing up and leading me out of her mansion. As we walked to the jeep I saw a huge dark reddish brown wolf staring at us. When I looked into its eyes they grey darker than the original color, I quickly looked away and got in the car.

As the car drove away I felt his eyes still following me.


Mrs. Green dropped me off at Emma's mansion, she said I could stay the night if I wanted. They were so nice I can't believe I had run into them, even though I only knew them for about a week they treated me like their daughter.

Emma was standing by the door when I walked up the steps. "So as werewolves we have to go to training, you can do whatever you want but I'm heading to the gym, wanna come?"

"sure" I wanted to dance anyways hopefully they have private rooms so I could be by myself.

When we got there she went to a punching bag and started to warm up. I scanned the room and saw a sign that said First Aid above a door. I had soon found I few private rooms with blue mats on the floor and a huge mirror on one of the walls.

I pulled out my iPod from a bag that I had brought with me. Mr. Green gave it to me yesterday thinking I might have wanted to listen to music. I started to warm up by stretching my arms and legs. I looked threw the iPod before I chose a song to dance to.   (dance below)

I was panting when the song finished, I took a swig of water and slowed my breathing. I left the room and made my way to the punching bags Emma was no longer there, I looked around and saw her taking down another girl.

I faced the punching bag and started punching, I wanted to fly and let my wings out but I haven't had a chance yet. Were the werewolves killing other humans? I hadn't seen any other human around, my mother was lying. I think I already knew that honestly but why would she want to kill them then, what had they done to her? What is she keeping from me that she couldn't tell me?

My thoughts and punches were abruptly stopped by someone wrapping their hands around my waist. I quickly spun on my heel and punched the person in the jaw, that sent tingles threw my knuckles.

He stumbled back a few steps, "I would say sorry but... I meant to do that." I said smirking. He looked up with a humorous look in his eyes. His jaw was turning black and blue and I kind of felt bad but for I knew he could have been trying to kidnap me, hey you never know.

"Come on," I said grabbing his wrist that sent little sparks threw my fingers and dragging his to the first aid room.

I got an ice pack from the nurse that was looking at other people who looked like they broke a few bones. I gave it to him and sat down next to him he winced slightly when he put the ice on his jaw.

"What's your name?" he asked

"What's yours?"

"I asked you first" he sounded like a child


"Zack," He said staring at my eyes. He had light green eyes with a blueish tint to them and dirty blonde hair. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was about lunch time, guess I'm going to have to find Emma.

I stood up and looked back at him "see you later" and with that, I left looking for Emma. but Zack still lingered in my mind.


Zack's pov

We were all huddled around the coffee table talking about the rouge attacks. Emma and another girl walked by the living room ignoring us and whispering amongst themselves, I wasn't really paying any attention. "What's that on your wrist, and who is she?" Sam asked I looked up and saw him looking at Emma's wrist, I saw a few purple dots but stopped looking when her friend spoke up.

"She has a name and we are going upstairs." Then she grabbed Emma's arm and dragged her up the stairs.

After a while, we all split up and I went out on a run. Emma and her friend were walking toward Sam's jeep, I caught her friends eye, she wasn't too hard to see her in the dark but her blue eyes popped. She turned away and continued to walk towards the car her dark brown hair slightly bouncing. I watched as the car drove away with my beautiful unnamed mate.


I watched as Emma entered the gym with her friend but they quickly split up. Her back was toward me as she looked around.

 I watched her as she made her way to the private rooms, I followed her a few minutes after and watched threw the small window of the door, she started to dance it was beautiful and heartwarming  and brought a smile to my lips.

I walked away not wanting to get caught, Sam wasn't even paying attention he was sparing with a few other pack members on the mat.

When she came out of the room I watched her as she punched the bag, she had frustration written all over her face.

I went up behind her and wrapped my hands around her small waist, she did something I least expected.

She punched me in the jaw making me stumble back with the impact. "I would say sorry but... I meant to do that." I looked up and saw her smirking,  after a minute she grabbed my wrist sending sparks threw my arm. "come on" she said dragging me to first aid.

She handed me an ice pack and sat next to me.

"What's your name?" I asked

"What's yours"

"I asked you first"

"Isabella" Isabella

"Zack," I noticed looking in her eyes they were a blueish gray. After a minute she stood up and turned around "see you later" then walked away.

Isabella, I smiled at the thought.


Hope you guys enjoyed!



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