Chapter 4

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Sorry for the wait guys I have been so busy this week, I hope to update tomorrow as well.

(Pic of Zack above)

Isabella's pov

I helped Emma set up the table for dinner, everyone trickled in slowly as we finished setting up. When we were done there were only two seats left at the long dining table. How many people needed to eat at the pack house, I thought Emma said they had their own homes. Emma took a seat next to a guy with short spiky blonde hair and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

The only other seat available was one next to Zack, I quickly pulled out the chair and sat next to him. I think he had saved the seat for me or everyone was afraid of him.

"Who's that," I asked him nodding across the table to the blonde haired guy.

He leaned over and answered in a hushed voice "That's Ben, Emma's mate he is third in command. Her brother Sam is Alpha or the leader of the group. And I'm the Beta or second in command."

After dinner everyone was still sitting around the dining table having their own conversations, even Emma and Ben were leaning into each other talking amongst themselves. Zack's hand nudged mine causing me to look over at him, but he wasn't looking at me. I looked at him for a minute before I felt him intertwine his fingers with mine and using his thumb to rub circles on the back of my hand, sending tingles through my fingers.

Soon everyone started to leave until it was Emma, Ben, Zack and I. I stood up still holding Zack's hand waiting for him to stand as well. When he did I lead him out of the room giving Emma privacy, I pulled Zack to the couch in the living room and sat down.

"Are mates like your soul mate?" I asked I think I've heard my mom talk about it before. He nodded gazing in my eyes, "And you my angel, are mine" he whispered. I looked down at our intertwined hands trying to hide my blush.

When I looked up he was still staring at me, I leaned in and placed my lips agents his. The minute mine touched his he reacted by deepening the kiss, I could feel him smiling agents my lips. I leaned back away from him, smiling.

One million thoughts were flying through my mind, I should tell him, when should I tell him? how? tomorrow? and I kissed him first. I had my first kiss!

After a minute Emma walked in "come on" she said before walking up the stairs. "Goodnight," I said kissing his cheek before catching up with Emma.


The next day we decided to go swimming in the lake behind the pack house. I borrowed a bathing suit from Emma since I didn't bring one with me. I waited in the kitchen for Emma to finish in the bathroom, when Zack walked in and kissed my forehead.

"Hey," I said as he looked me up and down making me feel self-conscious, even with a towel draped over my shoulders. Next thing I know Zack pulled off his t-shirt and holding it out for me. "Put it on"


"It will make my wolf happy" I slipped on the shirt and gave him a questioning look, but before he could answer Emma walked back in "sup," she said doing the nodding thing. Then looked at me and smirked, "nice shirt" I looked down at my hands feeling  blood rush to my cheeks.

"Let's go" called Emma over her shoulder as she walked out the door. Zack draped his arm over my shoulder and lead me to the lake.

"How old are you?" I asked 

"seventeen, you?"


"What's your full name?" he asked

"Isabella Clark" I looked over at him to see if he recognized my mother's last name.

"Zackary Peterson" Isabella Peterson,

"Favorite color?"


"why?" he looked over at me and grinned

"your eyes are blue" I blushed at the comment

"hmm let me guess your favorite color is green," he said

"Nope," I said popping the p, "Its white... ill explain why later."

I stopped in front of the lake, the clear water reflected the sun and trees that engulfed the lake. A few people were already in the water splashing around. Emma was splashing water in Sam's face, while Ben was sneaking up behind her.

I pulled of Zack's shirt and put it down with my towel. I dived into the water, it had been a long time since I last went swimming and feeling the water crash down on your body. I emerged from the surface and felt my wet hair stick to my back, I looked around for Zack to see if he followed me. Before I knew it I was wrapped up in someone's arms, and those arms were Zack's sending and electrical current to my bare stomach where he touched. "Hey angel"

I turned around to face him, "bye," I said with him giving a confused face before I slipped out of his grasp and back under the water.

I got out of the water and laid down on my back and closed my eyes, trying to absorb as much of the sun as I can before winter comes.

I hear shuffling beside me before my head is resting on someone's arm. I opened my eyes and see Zack laying down next to me with his eyes closed.

I shut my eyes once again and move closer to Zack before falling asleep with the sun dancing across my face.


Hope you enjoyed!



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