Chapter 2.

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Their attire for today...

Zara P.O.V

I don't know why but today I was feeling all positive. I woke up in fajr without alarm and from that instant I am smiling like an idiot.

"Zara, come out your dad wants to talk to you." my mom called me from downstairs.

"Coming..!" I yelled back wrapping a scarf around my shoulder I left my room.

My parents, Zakir & Zafir were sitting on the couch looking at me like I had came from another planet. While Zain was busy with his mobile. "Assalamu alaikum" I greeted them.

"Wallekum assalam, come and sit over here Zara." my dad said in stern voice which made me more nervous.

I sat opposite to my dad beside Zain. "What happened dad...?? Is everything okay.?" I asked getting nervous with every passing second.

Everyone was silent. "Whats going on between you and that Affaan guy...??" Zakir asked me.

My heart dropped into my stomach as the terror stuck me. They knew.

"Zakir" dad warned him.

"Their is nothing between me & him bhai." I tried to defend myself. He just let out a bitter laugh.

"His parents called us this morning they told us that you and Affaan are in relationship and they want you both to get married as soon as possible."

I was about to explain but my dad beat me to it. "We want you to marry him in the end of this week and that's final. You were my pride my only daughter but you proved me wrong I feel ashamed to call you my daughter." Tears were rolling down my cheeks. How can my parents think that low about me indeed I love Affaan and I don't think loving someone is haraam in anyway. I ran into my room slamming the door shut. I don't know I should be happy that I will be getting married to love of my life or sad that my family think that low about me. I laid down on my bed crying for the words my father just uttered.

"Zara open the door..!!!" I heard my mom yelling and banging at my room door. I looked up and it was already 3 p.m. I walked towards the door and opened it.

My mom smiled at me and went straight towards my wardrobe. "What happened mum..?? What are you searching for..??" I asked her.

She gave me don't-behave-like-you-don't-know look. She got back to her work again.

" are going to wear this today." she declared while holding my white and red coloured indian dress.

"We are going out..??" I asked her confused. She sighed and sat next to me.

"Affaan and his family are coming to fix the date of your wedding today." my mom said and hugged me.

"I know you will never do something like that. I want to know the truth." She asked me while holding my hand lovingly. 

"Mom indeed I love Affaan. I won't lie but we are not in any kind of relationship. I don't even know how dad can think so low about me." I was crying again.

"Shhhh...don't worry my child everything will be fine. And now go and get ready your prince charming will me here in half an hour." She said making me blush.

"Awww my baby is blushing." I pushed her out of my room playfully she just laughed and left me smiling.

I was wearing the dress my mum had choosen for me with some light makeup. My phone started to ring. It was none other than my bestie & soon to be sister-in-law.

"Assalamu alaikum bhabi." she stressed the word bhabi.

I knew she wanted to laugh out loud. "Let it out" then she burst out laughing I pulled my phone away from my ear making sure not to get deaf from her hyena laughter.

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