Chapter 10.

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"Ayaan" I jerked up in my bed when Zara called me.

"What happened are you ok...???" I asked her concerned.

"I am fine. I just..." she trailed off making me more worried.

"What happened Zara..???" I cupped her face and made her look at me.

"I am hungry." She pouted. I smiled at her childish behaviour.

"Give me 10 minutes." With that I walked out of bed to make breakfast for my beautiful wife.

Things had changed between us after that incident. We are back to our friends term. She is also happy with it. Zeeshan visit her everyday. And whenever he did Zara stayed stiff like she is afraid to even speak.

I don't know what happened that day in my house. I am still trying to find out who did that. Investigators told me that it was not an accident. Someone planned it. But...

"Ayaan..???" My thoughts were interrupted by my best friend.

"What are you doing in the kitche Zara. How many times do I have to tell you to take rest." walked towards her and made her sit on the bar stool.

"Jeez Ayaan I am fine Alhamdulillah. I need to walk around." she assured me. I sighed and nodded my head  placing freshly made sandwich infront of her.

She dig into it like she had not eaten anything in ages. I chuckled at the way she. She stopped eating and glared at me making me laugh.

"Stop laughing. I am just hungry." She defended herself. I kissed her both cheeks and than her nose.

"You are too cute." my voice came out husky. Our eyes locked and the whole world disappeared. My eyes went to her lips which she licked unconsciously. I don't know what took over me as I started to lean in. She closed her eyes our breath uneven.

Our little moment was interrupted by the door bell. I closed my eyes and groaned on which Zara laughed nervously and stuck her tongue at me playfully. I chuckled and left to open the door.

"Hey buddy." it was none other than Zeeshan. I wanted to punch him so badly but decided against it and gave him a fake smile. I gestured him to come in. He went directly towards Zara.

Zara looked at him with blank expression on her face. All the playfulness just disappeared. "Hey beautiful." he greeted her which made me angry. I balled my hand into fist to control myself from lashing out at him.

"Hi" she smiled, a smile which didn't reached her eyes. She walked into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water and gave it to Zee. He accepted it gladly. After he drank his water he cleared his throat to get my attention.

He snaked his arm around her waist. I glared at his hand. Zara looked at me shocked and freed herself from his hold.

"I want to marry her next week." he stated smiling. Zara looked at me with shock expression. I wanted her to say No. I wanted her to object but she said nothing. I felt my anger rising.

"Its your life do whatever you want." with that I walked inside my room slamming the door shut.

After 5 minutes Zara walked in and sat on the edge of our bed.

"I am sorry for his behaviour." she whispered. I let out a bitter laugh. After everything they did. She is trying to be innocent now.

"Really Zara, you can be a great actor you know..??" I told her and stood up.

"What do you mean..??" she furrowed her brows in confusion as she stood infront of me.

"Don't try to fool me. I know all the things going between you and him. All the nasty marks on your body show the character of yours. You should be happy that you are getting married to him next week, than you both can sleep with each other whenever you want." the next thing I know I had stinging sensation on my left cheek.

She slapped me.

"How dare you to think that low about me.?!" she sat down on the floor hugging her knees and cried harder.

I kneeled down infront of her "I..."  I tried to hold her and appologize but she stopped me by placing a hand between us.

"LEAVE. ME. ALONE." She pushed me away glaring at me.

I stood up walked out grabbing my car keys and jacket. The atmosphere in that room was suffocating me. Her tears were breaking my heart into pieces.

Why my life is getting this miserable day by day. At one moment I am happy and another I feel like I had lost everything. I drove towards my office.

I didn't care about the speed I was driving in. Parking my car I made my way into the office.

Once I was settled in my seat my P.A. came in.


"Hmmm..." I just hummed in response.

"Mr.Wilson is here. He wants to meet you." I asked her to send him in.

With a knock on my office door Mr.Wilson entered. He is the best investigator in New York. I had hired him to know how this fire took place at my house.

He walked in and sat on the chair infront of me.

"So Mr. Wilson whats the news...???" I asked him professionally.

"We found some hidden cameras in your house..." Oh My Allah how can I forget about cameras.

"I thought it would have been burned down to ashes with the intensity of the fire." I stated more to myself.

"Luckily it is in good condition. And there is something more important than the fire that was going on in your house. I will suggest you to watch all the recordings on it. Here." He handed me CD and left me confused with his words.

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