Chapter Seven

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I catch up with Eveia in Hejae's class, but don't tell her about my meeting with Ritter beyond a whispered, "Just family stuff." I don't know why, but I don't feel like sharing everything Ritter told me. Maybe I'm afraid she'll agree with Iskren and tell me I should go already.

Our schedule for the day is the same as yesterdays. Though we start learning some basic skills with Hejae and Kiira, it's more practice with the same drills in Shark and Briar's classes.

That night at dinner, Eveia pulls out the class schedule. "Switching up the groups tomorrow. That'll be interesting."

Wick leans over her shoulder. "Good, I won't be with Rune and Persy." He looks over at me. "Sorry, I know you and Rune are friends. I just don't like him."

"Oh no." I shake my head. "We are not friends. He's kind of an arse." It's the harshest swear I know, even if it is mild. After all, cursing is not beautiful.

Eveia raises an eyebrow. "Aren't they all?"

I narrow my eyes for a second. "Who would 'they' be?" But I know; she means the Viry.

A slow smile pulls at the corner of her lips. She looks back at the paper. "It looks like they've split the groups by floor and room numbers, evens and odds. Caither, what room are you?"


Ever since Caither joined us for dinner last night, she's slowly integrated herself with us. First she sat near us in Hejae's class, then in Kiira's she joined our group for basic swim lessons. She sat with us at lunch and now again, at dinner.

Kaz, too, seems to join us periodically. He ate with us at lunch, but now he sits across the cafeteria with a group of boys I don't recognize.

"Kaz will be in our group too." Eveia follows my gaze. "Looks like a fun group tomorrow. Sorry, Wick. At least you don't have those guys."

"Yeah, yeah. I still have Anders to deal with." He glances over his shoulder.

Anders sits with Rune and Persy, and two girls. Every so often, they glance our way. I'm relieved they haven't joined Wick at our meals, but I feel bad thinking Wick doesn't have any friendships on his floor.

"I heard they'll split us up from our roommates at some point. So we don't get too attached to any one person." Caither speaks up.

I feel a jolt of panic. I've already gotten used to having someone to walk to classes with. I don't want to have to make more friends.

Eveia doesn't seem concerned, though, so I pretend I'm not, either.

"I can't wait until we can pick our floors." Wick says around a mouthful of food. "I'm picking the furthest floor from Anders. He sucks."

"Have you guys thought about what floor you'll choose?" Caither asks.

I haven't; we've only had two days of training, after all. But Eveia doesn't hesitate.

"Probably Shark's. Or maybe Kiira's. Anywhere but Hejae's, really."

They look at me, so I shrug. "I wouldn't mind staying put. His profession might be a little unorthodox, but I bet I could learn a lot from Hejae."

As soon as I say it, I realize how badly I want to stay on Hejae's floor. I need him to approve of me, to agree that this is where I belong. I need to show him how lucky the Kuzabn are to have me.

"Mhm." Eveia has her lips pressed tightly together in disapproval. "Should have figured that one."

"What is that supposed to mean?" My voice is hard, maybe too defensive.

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