Chapter Eleven

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After lunch on Friday, everyone goes to the auditorium, where we get a lesson in lock-picking from Hejae. I'm not too comfortable knowing Anders is somewhere in this crowd, learning how to break in even after I've locked our door.

Then Ceek teaches us about edible plants and berries, in case we're ever stranded in the wilderness. She passes a sprig, leaf, or berry corresponding to each plant she mentions, so we can see actual examples. Then she does the same with poisonous plants. Ceek encourages us to feel, to sniff, and to examine each sample, as some safe plants look very similar to poisonous ones. I take avid notes in the notebook Hejae gave me on the first day. Eveia is doodling in hers. She better watch her temper tantrums, or I may not share my notes before the exam next Friday.

Hejae makes an announcement before dismissing us for dinner.

"Tomorrow is the first Visitation. This will be important, because this is your first of only two chances to quit the Kuzabn without confining yourselves to an Infirmid life. Family bonds stress loyalty. Loyalty is a valuable trait amongst the Kuzabn. Tomorrow, and again at the end of your fifth week, will be your last chances to leave us without dishonor.

"Families will join us for lunch, followed by an afternoon of Visitation. Invite them to meet your friends, your instructors. Floor leaders will be available during this time. Any questions may be directed to them. Dismissed."

Commotion breaks out as everyone discusses the chance to see our families again. Eveia can't wait to see her mother and tell her how I've never braided my hair before now. Wick wants to introduce us all to his older sister. Kaz doesn't say much. I wonder if his mother will come, and if she'll stand out.

I'm not looking forward to seeing Senka or Zarko. I hope desperately Krishel will come alone, though I'm sure he will not. I ask Eveia to braid my hair tomorrow. I want my parents to see my rejection of Viry principles immediately.

An excited glint flashes in Eveia's eyes. "Oh, I can make you look Kuzabn."

I'm a little afraid to ask, so I decide to trust her blindly.

That night before bed, she braids my hair in to two pigtails.

After breakfast, Eveia takes my hair out of the plaits. When I protest, she tugs a handful of hair and tells me to trust her. She braids the side of my head back to the crown. Then she pulls all the rest of my hair to meet it and attaches it all in a ponytail with one of the brightly colored hair elastics she always has around her wrist. My hair is wavy in the ponytail.

She takes tiny bunches and braids long, thin braids throughout. I look wild, but in a somehow tamed way.

Then Eveia pulls out a small box. "Do you really trust me?"

She opens it to reveal multiple pencils in different colors and small pallets of chalky colors. Kuzabn makeup. I feel a giddy sort of recklessness as I agree.

Eveia holds up a black pencil. "How bold you want to go?"

I bite my lip. "Not too bold."

She sighs and switches the black pencil for a bronze-colored one. She lines my upper and lower lid, then sweeps a metallic gray-brown from her pallet across my eyelids. She smudges a darker color around the outer corner of my eyes.

She finishes by sliding a light pink stick over my lips.

"Wow," she says, stepping back and taking in all her work. "Definitely not Viry."

I peer at myself in the mirror. The colors she added make my hazel eyes pop, intensifying them. I can't look away. It's not Viry, Eveia is right, but somehow, I feel this is the most beautiful I've ever looked. I whisper my thanks.

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