Chapter Twelve

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My friends have already gone down to lunch by the time I reach the lounge again, which is fine by me, since I'm still processing the conversation with Ritter. There's a warm glow in the pit of my stomach, a deep satisfaction from the faith Ritter must have in me. I should have recognized it after our first meeting.

To think Hejae has also praised me, I feel like I could burst. Sure, Iskren wants me dead, which is mildly terrifying if I dwell on that fact for too long, but knowing I have Ritter and Hejae in my corner makes it more bearable. Makes me feel like I really could succeed.

By the time I spot Wick and Eveia in D-hall, they've found their families. Kaz sits with them, but it doesn't look like anyone from his family is here.

I'm immediately introduced to Wick's parents, Achesde and Eersa, his older sister Rods, and younger brother Adairs, who is I can already tell will be Viry, then to Eveia's mom, Chavaun, and her dad, Ptolemy. The introductions have barely left Eveia's lips before she demands to know what Ritter wanted.

I hesitate; I'm not sure it's a topic I want to discuss in front of families, and besides, I never told her about Iskren's original arrangement with Ritter.

"The Viry aren't very happy I joined the Kuzabn instead of them," I finally say.

Adairs is watching me intently; I start to feel uncomfortable.

"'Bout time they learn they can't always get what they want," Eveia says. "No offense, munchkin."

She smiles at Adairs. He pursues his lips at her.

"So did Ritter try to make you leave?" Kaz asks softly, but the entire table is interested in my answer. I feel the many eyes drilling into me, but I keep mine on Kaz.

I try to deflect some of the attention from myself. "No, he said that would upset the balance of power to just do whatever Iskren says."

The parents exchange uneasy glances. I probably should have left the attention on me.

"Did he say there's a power struggle?" Eveia asks excitedly. "Do you think there will be an overthrow?"

"Easy, little lady." Ptolemy puts an arm around his daughter. "Someone might think you were unhappy with the current system."

His tone is light despite the admonishment, and he smiles at Eveia with such adoring pride my heart squeezes. I've never known anyone who would look at me like that.

"Nadia?" Eersa leans into the table, her expansive bosom pressing up against the confines of her top. Her eyes are wide in her round face. "Is Ritter expecting an overthrow?"

I shake my head, hoping to backpedal. "Ritter didn't really say anything like that, just that there's some tension so both sides are trying to keep the peace."

Kaz reaches around Ptolemy and tugs Eveia's ponytail. "Don't worry, you little rebel, I'm sure you'll get your chance to actually fight someone sooner or later."

Then he turns to Eveia's mother. "Chavaun, how is your flower garden looking?"

I swear he gives me a wink as the conversation shifts to more neutral topics. Chavaun launches into a description of her lilies, and down the table I can hear Eersa worrying that Wick isn't eating enough. My smile can't possibly convey how grateful I am to Kaz.

After lunch, we go back to the lounge and the more comfortable seats there. Once we reach the couches, I realize Kaz is no longer with us. It doesn't take me long to spot him back near the landing with a similarly darker-skinned woman.

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