Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I sit near the back in Hejae's classroom on Monday, my own little act of defiance for him taking me from Briar. I'm not exactly looking forward to a full day with Hejae.

He strolls in a few minutes later, whistling, his hands in his pockets. He's dressed differently, a little more Viry than normal. His light blue shirt is tucked into charcoal grey pinstripe slacks, with a matching suit vest. His sleeves are rolled to his elbows, and his patterned tie matches the ensemble exactly.

"As I said before," Hejae begins after calling the six of us to order. "You were chosen for a reason. Look around." He pauses until we reluctantly glance at one another. I glare at Anders when he smirks my way.

I bet Eveia is already learning a new weapon skillset.

"Maybe you've noticed you all have certain features in common. Certain features which to most would be considered beautiful."

I thought I'd just made a point of turning my back on the Viry and shedding the life in which more stock was put in my looks than my skills.

"Today," Hejae says, "I will teach you to become Viry."

Son of a monkey. I raise my hand.

"What if I've already been through this training?"

Hejae smiles at me. "You'll be my little helper, won't you?"

Any camaraderie I felt with Hejae when I first arrived has dimmed. I realize now it was the urge to trust in his beauty, the kindred spirit I felt when I saw his Viry face. He's really little better than the rest of them, using looks for power and control. I cross my arms and slouch in my seat, my lips pressed into a line. After all, it's not like I have anywhere else to go.

Ceek helps Hejae; we learn basic dances like a waltz and foxtrot. At lunch, we eat in the training room, with Hejae teaching table etiquette. It's as if I'm back in Asevy's class, except here there is no Milo to exasperate.

This afternoon, we go through what Hejae calls wardrobing. I've had some experience in heels and dresses, so it only takes me a little while to get used to walking and dancing on the balls of my feet, balancing on the spindle of a heel. The other girls, Kaja and Raechyl, seem to struggle a bit more.

"I want you ladies to wear heels everyday this week. Not all day, but even during some of your training sessions." Hejae passes us each heeled boots, similar to our ordinary training boots, but with an extra couple inches of rubber sole at the heel.

I raise my eyebrows, and I know I'm not the only skeptical one. Walking in heels, even all day, is one thing. Fighting in them? Hejae must be crazy.

"You are being trained for undercover work. Often, the Viry request undercover bodyguards from the Kuzabn. There could come a time you find yourself in trouble while deep in your Viry character. You may not have time to change your clothes or kick off your heels before engaging an enemy."

I'm a little suspicious about the possibility of an attack from outside forces in the Viry compound, but Hejae has gotten my attention.

"Besides," he continues, "those heels could prove to be most effective weapons. You'll receive specialized weapon-training with them."

A boy with sandy-colored hair raises his hand in front of me.

"Will we be able to use special weapons in the assessments Friday?"

Hejae smiles like he's been waiting to give us exciting news. "Actually, Milhov, you won't be performing in the Assessments this time." Hejae pauses for dramatic effect, but doesn't let our confused questioning reach more than babble before continuing. "Your assessment will take place off-site, in the form of a preemptive re-con mission."

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