Chapter Nine

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I try to wipe the stunned look off my face the entire time I'm in line, and still haven't quite gotten over my shock when I join the others at our table. A Viry father?

"Well, if it isn't the master knife-thrower." Wick welcomes me, arms wide. Apparently, Eveia has been complaining about Briar's training session. "Sweet braids."

This morning, Eveia had braided my hair into two braids instead of one.

"Thank you." Eveia responds before I have a chance to. "She'd never even heard of braided pigtails before."

"I've heard of them," I say, "just never gotten to do anything with my hair."

Wick gives me a once over and nods. "I can see why. It makes your nose look kind of big, having your hair pulled out of your face."

I can't stop my fingers from flying to my nose. "Does not! And besides, you're one to talk." I throw my roll at his face.

He just laughs and takes a bite out of it. "Exactly. I'm an expert on large noses and you, my friend, have a long nose."

"Oh, Wick, quit it," Eveia says in a child's voice, her lips puckered as she speaks. "Don't hurt the wittle Viry's vanity." She grabs my cheek and gives it a pinch. I slap her hand away.

"Someone's just bitter I can throw better than her." I maintain an air of self-righteousness as I begin eating my pasta.

Kaz and Wick "ooh" appreciatively.

"I can still punch better." Eveia proves it by slamming her fist into my already tender right shoulder.

I fight a groan and eat my food. I hope I won't need my shoulder for whatever Kiira has in store for us. The bell rings too soon, and in the scuffle to dump trays, I try to scarf down a few more bites.

"For the record," Kaz's voice tickles my ear. "I like your hair that way. Your nose is fine."

He moves around me and catches up with Wick, who is griping about the climb up to Briar's gym. Kaz's words warm me while I stand by the trashcan holding my tray. A kid knocks into me and I remember myself. What am I doing, mooning over a compliment? It's not like I've never received one before.

I try to push through the mass of people to catch Eveia and the boys, but the crowd is too thick. I'm relieved to see Eveia saved me a seat in Hejae's class. She leans across her desk as I sit.

"Did you hear? We've lost our first recruit. People were talking about it in the stairwell."

"What happened?" I look around Eveia. Kaz is staring straight ahead on the other side of her, his jaw set.

"Apparently a girl from Kiira's own floor refused to get in the water. Nearly had a panic attack. Said she'd rather be executed than die of drowning." Eveia lowers her voice and leans closer with the last word.

Kaz's hands clench into fists.

"Is he ok?" I ask quietly.

Eveia nods, but says, "He doesn't do well with the topic of drowning."

Hejae comes in then and calls the class to order.

"I know some of you have heard about F3R28. It is true; we've had our first quitter of the year. Her cowardice will not be excused."

"What happened?" asks a girl in the front row. "What was her name?"

A few people exchange anxious glances, perhaps trying to recall the room numbers of their friends.

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