{chapter 17}

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Ophelia - The lumineers
"I want five large pepperonis" my current soccer mom was ordering for a hoard of rowdy kids littered in the booths around her and the other moms.

I quickly jotted it down and rushed it to the pizza makers.

"Mia, can you take table 10 ?" My new coworker Rachel asked as she carried about six pitchers of Pepsi over to the already energetic soccer kids.

"Yeah got it." I told her quickly.

I took a second to re wrap my hair into a bun and smooth my uniform that consisted of a white t shirt with the pizza company logo and the pants didn't really matter so I opted for black cropped yoga pants with an apron around my waist.

The first day I came wearing jeans but I quickly came to find why all the other workers were wearing a way more comfortable bottom. This job was exhausting.

Having to constantly clean up and serve big parties of kids and high schoolers and couples was way harder than I though it would be.

I grabbed my pen and order pad when I made my way over to table 10 that had a very familiar face.

"Roger right?" I asked. He was a guy that worked with Phoenix. I originally met him when I went to the officer holiday party.

Roger looked up and his dark curls bounced softly.
"Mia." He stated breaking into a grin. "I didn't know you worked here."

"Yeah I just stared not too long ago." I began. "I see you already got your drink, what would you like to order?"

"How about-" he moved his arm causing what I assume was Sprite to spill on my lower half, thankfully getting a lot of my apron and not clothes.

I quickly grabbed napkins and started to try and dry myself .

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, here let me help." Roger said grabbing one of the napkins and started to try and dry my leg.

I was about to object when I looked up and seen Rogers eyes trained on my face already. We made eye contact and his eyes seemed to darken a little.

His hand lingered on my thigh for a second too long and I quickly backed up.

"Um, it's ok I'm just going to change." I abruptly said as politely as possible while Turing away.

What just happened was weird. Really weird.

Sometimes you just get a vibe from things that don't feel right and this was one of those times.

But I'm exhausted and it's noisy and I was a little scatter brained so I shook it off. I tend to look into things way too much and he was just being friendly trying to help me.

"Woah girlie what happened to you?"  Rachel asked as her dirty blonde hair swayed side to side in a ponytail.

"Table 10" I explained.

Rachel craned her neck to get a peak at him and her eyes widened. "Can he spill a drink on me?" She asked in awe. "He's gorgeous, I shouldn't of given that table to you."

I chuckled at her, really taking a liking to her.
"He's all yours if you want." I said patting her back.

"I'll be sure to take that offer." She replied grabbing her notebook and pen and heading to his table.

I smiled and shook my head at her watching her walk up to Roger. Before I turned around I seen Roger starting in my direction with a small smile but I don't turn back around to confirm it, I had a million and five other orders to worry about. I distinctly remember Nix telling me about his dislike for the guy, so I would have to ask to elaborate a little bit more later on.

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