{chapter 20}

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Later on  I grumpily made my self get out of bed after I took a reallllly long nap.

The argument with Phoenix was still fresh on mind so I made sure it stayed in the back.

He hasn't called me or texted and I definitely won't call or text him. If he wanted to be a first class asshole then I wouldn't even bother.

After waking up fully I dragged my feet into my kitchen were I seen we didn't have many ingredients for anything to eat.

I switched out of my sleep shorts and exchanged them for yoga pants then looked for my car keys to grab something to eat. A little bit of fresh air would benefit me.

I wrapped my hair into a ponytail to keep it from flipping all over my face and getting on my nerves.

My flip flops were by the door conveniently so I sipped those on and grabbed my wallet to head to the nearest Target.

The sky was cloudless, but it wasn't particularly shorts weather yet.

As I drove to the store I though long and hard about the argument. All I wanted was Nix to be safe, but I guess I could of understood his point of view a little more , even if it was idiotic.It was understandable he loved his job, and didn't want to fail anyone on his team.

I planned on grabbing myself something for dinner and letting him fend for himself but I didn't want to be petty after understanding why he wanted to go back to work so quick.

Let me rephrase, I wanted to be petty, but I couldn't allow myself to stoop into childish things. Stooping lower wouldn't help the situation any.

I parked in the closest spot possible and made my way into the store, where I gathered the ingredients for a chicken caesar sandwich and some frozen French fries for a side. A little bit of both of our favorites.

Of course the checkout line was overly long and it made me extremely impatient. I wanted to get home and start our surprise dinner and have time to shower.

It didn't help there was a mother with about three kids with her behind me who were all throwing a tantrum for their choice of candy.

I was seconds away from Turing around and telling the kids off myself when the line finally moved and I was able to put my food on the conveyer belt.

I successfully purchased my foods and made my way back to my car where my stomach started to flip a little with happiness, that I was going to be able to make up with Phoenix over a bomb dinner.

I threw my groceries in the back seat and got into my driver seat where i whipped out of the parking lot.

I drove happily the their was no rain or hail to make the driving conditions hazardous.

I turned up the radio to hear Taylor Swift 'Blank Space' as I cruised down the road.

"I have a Blank Space babyy and I'll write your name." I belted along not really paying attention to how fast I was going, which was the reason I soon heard sirens behind me.

I cursed when I looked in my rear view mirror and seen a cop car with flashing lights. I wasn't fortunate enough for it to be Phoenix, so I knew I was about to be ticketed most likely.

I pulled over to the side of the road where i rolled down my window and waited for him to approach me while debating if I should cry or not in attempt to just be let off with a warning.

Soon enough a man about around mid thirties approached me with an annoyed expression.

"What makes you think you can drive that fast in a residential area?" He demanded.

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