{chapter 35}

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The story will now continue on from chapter 33, the Christmas chapter was kind of like a one shot :)
I jumped slightly as Phoenix laid a hand on my shoulder.

Every since the whole robbery thing I've been slightly jumpy, but I've been working past it.

I rolled over on our bed to face him and sighed at the sight of his face.

His right eye was basically swollen shut , his cheek had a nasty cut and his lip was scabbed over. His job has been getting rough, too rough for my own likings to be honest. He's been getting higher in rankings and earning tons of respect but it's all at a cost. Now he's called in to deal with the tough criminals, he's the first man to enter notorious drug and gang houses, leading his fellow men.

"Does it feel any better?" I asked gently placing my hand on the cut located on his cheek.

"Already feeling back to normal today, I think I might go back today." He stated sitting up in our bed and cracking all of his back joints.

"Are you sure? I mean can you even see out of your eye?" I questioned, trying not to let my irritability show. His goal is honestly just to kill me. It feels as if his wounds are mine.

"Mia baby, I promise you on everything I am fine. I wouldn't risk anything if I knew I wasn't fully capable of going back." He reassured me brushing his soft lips against mine.

I nodded sighing and letting it go and letting his hands make their way through my tangled sleep hair as we engaged in a small make out session .

Afterwards ,I not so carefully rolled out of the bed to get myself ready for a day of homework and errands, still slightly upset by the look of my boyfriends beat up face.

As I was brushing my teeth , lost deep in thought my phone buzzed and I glanced at it too see a text from Minnie.

"Girl I got the hookup at Queen Court Club downtown are you in? Pls say yes" it read.

I honestly didn't think too much about it before quickly replying "you already know I'm in. Time?"

My phone buzzed immediately back. "Pick you up at 9."

My stomach felt giddy, happy I was going out, I spend too much time to perfectionist I forget sometimes to enjoy life and friends. Although the few times I do seem to try and live life a little loosely trouble seems to follow. Basically me just being Bad Luck Mia.

I skipped back to my bed where Nix was barley sitting up and slipping on a simple , thin v neck.

"I'm going out tonight." I announced flopping on the bed in a sitting position.

"Oh?" Phoenix replied raising and eye brow."With who?" He questioned.

"Remember my friend Minnie? Her, well probably head up to that one club . I hear it's new and pretty poppin" I replied.

He looked hesitant to reply but after a few moments gave a small shrug. "You guys will have fun."

"What now?" I said, a bit harshly I might add. I hated when he did that stupid thing of not telling me what's in his mind, even though it was written clearly across his face.

"It's just.." he started looking anywhere but at me. "The last time you went out you got a little carried away...." he stated referring all the way back to the time we actually truly met and got to know each other.

I laughed lightly and moved on to my knees to message his shoulders that had light bruising from a fight that happened weeks ago.

"Don't worry about me baby." I said softly as his shoulders relaxed slightly.

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