{chapter 38}

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Mia pov
My eyes popped open when I heard frantic shuffling somewhere throughout my house.

I sat up, covering myself with my blanket and rubbing my eyes.

"Nix? What time is it?" I groggily asked as he rummaged through our dresser.

"He's missing Mia." He said quickly with his back to me.

I rubbed my eyes more harshly , feeling overly confused. "What?" I mumbled out.

"My brother!" He said a bit harsher, while finally finding a jacket and shoving his arms through it.

"Oh my god!" I said popping up and immediately looking for the nearest pants closest to bed, which happened to be some crumbled leggings. "What's going on? What are we doing." I rushed out while getting up and slipping a bra on.

"My dad called it in as soon as he realized Nick wasn't in his bed. They're setting up a search party right now." He stated finally turning around.

The tears running down his face utterly and completely crushed me, and any trace of animosity I had towards his had completely vanished.

I stepped towards him and crushed him in the hardest hug I could muster.

"I'm scared." He whispered into my ear while holding me back.

"Don't be." I replied while pushing back to look up at him. "We're going to find him. He's probably just being silly. Maybe hiding or went for a little walk not thinking anything of it."

He nodded and wiped his eyes.

"Ok let's get going." I grabbed his hand along with both of our car keys, figuring It would be better if we drove separately, so we could search more areas more quickly.

The drive there I felt my stomach sinking a little, genuinely terrified for what was to happen. Nick just had to be ok.

After a short drive we arrived to the boy's house, which I had actually never seen before. There were dozens of police cars outside , all of their lights flashing. From wheat I could tell the house was a god size, two stories and all white white columns coming down the front.

Phoenix was already out talking to his dad when I finally found a parking and walked out and joining him.

"Alright, there taking the entire north side of the city. Phoenix, you'll along with them and they'll set some dogs loose into the forest with his scent." He stated briefly glancing up at me and making eye contact.

Phoenix nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek, before jogging to catch up with the rest of his crew.

"Alright Amanda." Chief Adams turned towards me. I was eager to help , so I didn't bother correcting him on my name. "I have a few guys searching parks ,alleys and all those types of areas where a kid could maybe hide. I want you to drive the city looking in those areas for anything suspicious or even Nick himself." He grunted at me. He was tall, and very built for his age , along with graying hair. His eyes were a light blue but they were crystal and could tell he had been crying.

"I look my best I promise." I tried to assure him, just to gain a blank stare. "And I'm sorry. I can't imagine how you must be feeling." I added as he began to turn his back.

"No one can imagine." He muttered before going to bark some more orders.

I quickly texted Nix an 'I love you' before hurrying back to my car and starting a mission to find the precious little boy.

I felt as if I had been driving for hours and hours, because I had.

At this point an amber alert was sent out and practically all of Seattle had seen Nick's and were on the lookout.

We were going through a rain storm, so each droplet pounded against my wind shield making visibility hard.

I had no where left to look so I drove alongside an less populated road that was near the outskirts, border by many many woods that seemed to go for miles.

I pulled over to the side of the road after a few minutes of driving to collect my thoughts fully. A few hours ago, one of the dogs caught a scent within some wooded areas around Nick's house but the rain sadly washed it away. After that we were told to stick close to that area, and the woods that continued.

After sitting for a while I tried actually getting out of the car and venturing into the area I was near just for a better look.

My rain boots were gloshing in the mud and I pulled my coat around myself tighter. "Nicholas!" I screeched into the woods and sighing when I heard nothing. "Come on Nick!" I tried again this time even louder. My chest was heavy as I tried one last time. "Nick!"

As I was about to turn around I heard it, far in the distance . A scream.

I at first thought I was hearing things until I screamed out his name again and somewhere I heard the same call.

I ditched the view of my car and sprinted deeper into the woods until  my chest was going to explode and my legs aches with ever step. "Nick baby! Where are you!" I yelled out into the abyss of rain and mud.

I didn't get a reply but I heard loud sobs and I raced towards my left following them.

Finally, I seen a small figure huddled against a tree and I swear in that moment I had never felt so much relief and love and happiness.

I ran and dove against him , holding him as tight as I could. "Oh my god , you're ok, you're safe." I told him over and over again while clutching him as close to me as I possibly could. I finally pulled him back to see his lips blue with cold and a huge gash that went from the top of his forehead, through the corner of his eye to his lip.

"Come on Nick, I'm gonna get you home ok?" I said finally using all my strength to lift the boy up and began to carry him.

He clutched me right and wrapped his legs around my waist. "I-I want my daddy." He sobbed into my ear and I rubbed his back harshly trying to stop his shaking.

"Ok , Daddy and Phoenix will be so happy to see you." I told him , grateful to finally see my car.

When I got to it I hoisted him into the back seat and immediately took all his wet pajamas off, leaving him in his underwear. Turning the heat in my car all the way up and slinging an extra parka I had over his shivering body.

I swung myself into my car and never had I ever driven so fast and recklessly. No one was out, so it wasn't overly dangerous when I hit 95 miles and ran a red light.

Pulling into the hospital I parked in the loading zone and quickly got Nick out, where he seemed to unintentionally start to pass out.

"Oh hell no, you better stay away Nick." I growled at him while snatching him out of the car in attempt to keep him awake.

I sprinted into the emergency room.

"I have him! I have Nicholas Adams! We need help." I screamed as I burst through the big glass doors.

There ya have it.
Mia found Nick but does that necessarily make everything perfect again?

Thank you for the reads!!

See you next time.

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