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Today is the day. This day. Today. Oh my gosh I'm freaking out!

"Calm down love." Austin's almost naked body pressed against mine in a hug, I kiss his shoulder and sigh.

"No I can't calm down." I say into his chest feeling myself relax slightly.

Today Jace is bringing my mom and dad over for food. It's 11:30am right now which gives me 30 minutes to get ready because I just woke up thanks to Austin.

Yep we stayed up all night, I literally got 2 hours sleep last night. So I'm tired, sore, stressed and very hungry for some weird unknown reason.

We are still in bed actually, stark naked and cuddling closely. Well Austin is trying to cuddle me but I'm too stressed at the moment.

"Please calm down Maia." Austin chuckles into my neck sending warm vibrations through my mark, I bite back a moan not wanting to start mating again considering we have 25 minutes.

I push myself off Austin and stand up, I let out a large yawn and stretch. I smirk evilly when a hear a husky groan mixed with a growl.

I walk into the closet and pull on my matching white undergarments then my yellow sundress with Roman sandals.

I pull my hair into a Dutch braid and put on some make up, Austin walks in once I'm done and changes. I leave before I see anything and walk downstairs leaving him in the bedroom.

I get to the kitchen and look over what I've cooked, oh yeah nothing. I've done nothing and we are suppose to be having a meal.

I have 5 minutes to prepare something, I suppose I could shove a pizza in the oven but that would impress my real parents.

"AUSTIN!" I bellow and instantly he is in the room growling, he scans he kitchen before his eyes scan over me.

"Don't do that!" He groans walking up to me "I thought something bad happened!"

"Something bad is happening!" I cry in frustration, maybe it's the hormones pumping through my body due to the mating plus I'll be in heat from tonight for like a whole week.

"What?" He chuckles running a thumb over my poured lips earning a glare from me.

"I haven't cooked anything!" I say gesturing to the bare kitchen counters, he just chuckles again and I literally have tears in my eyes.

He noticed and stops chuckling immediately, his head tilts back and he sniffs the air. He growls huskily and wraps an arm around my body.

"You are in the early stages of heat, love" he says, explaining my weird emotions and why in feeling so funny.

"My heat! Oh shit!" I curse hitting my head "That means...oh shit!"

"Why are it cursing baby?" Austin says moving my hand from my head and placing a kiss where I smacked.

"Because heat is where a female normally gets pregnant," I say starting to panick "and I'm not ready for that yet!"

"Shh," Austin soothes rubbing my back as we embrace "I'm not going to make you do anything remember? I understand this is the right time for pups and while your in heat we'll be extra careful."

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