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"Crap." I say chucking the now ripped dress onto the floor, this is a nightmare. It fitted when I bought it a while ago, but now it's WAY to tight around my bump.

I lay down on the bed in my undergarments and groan into the pillow. There is a knock on the door and I sit up, I reach and grab Austin's t-shirt that's lays on the floor in front of me.

I pull it on and shout "Come in!"

The door slides open and Rose pops her head in, I smile at the friendly face. She comes further in holding Henry in her arms.

"Hey Maia," she greets sitting next to me on the bed, she puts Henry upright so his head lays on her shoulder which is covered in a tea towel while she rubs his back.

"Hi," I sigh tiredly and twirl my hair around my finger. I watch Rose' eyes find the ripped dress and blush, oh that's totally not embarrassing.

"Don't worry," she says staring at my face "it's happened to me too. I've got a spare one here that's was specially made for you, I was kind of hoping that dress wouldn't fit. I've just ordered someone to bring it here."

I laughed and smacked her arm lightly "Oi! Why you cheeky..."

She chuckles and then there is a knock on the door, I glance at it and sigh.

"Come in!" I shout suddenly excited with what the other person could be holding. My dress. The one Rose made for me secretly.

A woman comes in with a huge grin. I don't recognise her so I glance at Rise who is smiling warmly at the older woman.

"Hey mom." She says standing up with Henry sound asleep in her arms. I hope I'm that good with my baby, my arms instantly find my stomach.

I'm carrying my baby. Austin's baby. Our baby. For the next few months it'll be growing inside me, I will be the only hung keeping it alive and healthy. Wow...pressure? Just a bit.

Roses mom sets down a dress bag on the bed behind us.

"Hello sweetie." She says kissing Rose's head then looks at me "Hello Maia, I'm Ava Rose's mother. It's so nice to finally meet the Luna everyone is talking about." She said hugging me then sitting on a chair opposite where Rose and I sit.

'You okay babe?' Austin asks suddenly making me practically fall off the bed in fright. Why does he always pop out of nowhere?

'Uh yeah? I'm fine? Um yeah I'm okay.' I say standing up, the other two women look at me. Why did I stutter? What's wrong with me?

"I need to use the rest room." I say smiling at them. They both nod.

"We'll set everything out for you." Rose says standing and placing Henry on the bed before going to the dress bag.

"We won't stay after that, we will send in Jaz to do your hair and make up then meet us at the end of the corridor. Okay?" Ava says smiling with her hands together, I notice the golden band on her ring finger and grin.

"Okay I'll see you later. Thank you so much for the help." I say then rush into the bathroom to empty my suddenly full bladder.

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