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I stand next to Austin as he explains what's happening to everyone. I'm completely blanking everyone out and planning what I'm going to do.

How am I going to tell Austin? We are about to start our 3 day journey and I still haven't told Austin. I've started telling him a few times but keep getting interrupted.

"So," I start listening to the last part of Austin's instructions "to repeat for those late. We will rest once night time is fallen each day and wake up just after dawn. There will be 4 on guard throughout the night, you all know your shifts. We will be in wolf form the entire time so we are more aware of any dangers. If there is any danger you will all protect your Luna and make sure she escapes safely."

I let out a small huff, he sometimes treats me like I'm completely useless and can't protect myself. I could take him down if I really tried.

"Let's get going!" Austin's says and I just see a wave of shifting werewolves, brown ones and grey ones and other colour ones scatter around us. There are about 40 of us going, 28 men and 10 women then Austin and I.

Austin grabs my hand and leads us both to the front of the others, Austin smiles as we walk.

"You nervous?" Austin says and I give him a confused glance "I can feel your emotions remember babe."

Oh right yeah, I am nervous but for a completely different reason than he thinks. I'm nervous about telling him not about the trip, well I am nervous about meeting all these Alphas and Lunas.

"No I'm fine." I say "I'm slightly nervous to meet Alpha Jason considering he made you into this amazing alpha." I smirk, I go on my tiptoes and kiss his soft lips.

I'm fine with public affection now but I use to hate it, it use to make me feel really embarrassed now I love it. I love showing everyone how much I love Austin. And he loves showing everyone how much he loves me.

"He'll love you, I've already told him all about you on our weekly calls." He says chuckling and kissing me back.

We pull apart and with one final peck we shift into our wolf forms, mine smaller than his but just as powerful.

Austin let's out a loud howl and we all started running into the tree line, soon out of sight. I run along side Austin but find it really hard, he is faster than me in a normal situation but being pregnant makes it harder.

Pregnancy makes you fatigue easier, that's why I'm already quite tired. I slow down slightly taking deep breaths as I trot alongside the wolves at the back.

A wolf nudges me and I I look over at the sandy brown wolf, Caleb. I bark happily at him and he sticks his wolfy tongue out.

'You alright Maia?' He mind-links me as we trot side by side, I give him a lopsided grin in return.

'Yeah just...uh tired.' I reply feeling myself gradually losing my strength and getting tired more and more. Caleb gives me a confused looks but doesn't say anything just trots alongside me.

Many other have stopped now to circle around me in a protective manner, I know there is no danger but they have been ordered to keep me safe.

I can't even see the rest of the others including Austin, I go to my mind-link with Austin and notice that his emotions are normal. Okay, he is fine.

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