Chapter 2

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Eren's P.O.V

******** 2 weeks ago ********

I've been locked in my room for two days now. The first two times it was my birthday. The day of my mother's death. They day I killed her.

But now that I'm 17, now that I can find my mate, I've been locked in my room multiple times. It seems my father dose not wish for me to find my mate.

Maybe it's his way of revenge for taking his. I've grown use to his mental and physical abuse and I know I deserve it.

No one should loss their mate. I've shouldn't have been born. Because I took my mother away from my father. I killed his mate. I deserve every hateful word, every punch, every kick.

I took the packs luna away. I'm a murderer. I should be dead. I deserve to die. I have betrayed the pack so why am I still alive.

I walk to the bathroom that is connected to my bedroom. I pull out the razer I had stolen from my father before my 16th birthday.

I raise the blade above my wrist. I should be dead. No one wants me. I bet I'll be a disappointment to my mate.

Why should I live. I have nothing to live for. I killed my own mother for fuck sakes. No normal child kills their mother. (sorry to the people who's mothers died giving birth to them)

"Eren if you die you lose. If you win you live. So please fight. Fight for me" my wolf Barloc tries to tell me.

"I'm sorry Barloc but I've already lost. Even if I'm not dead, I've lost everything"

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I pressed the blade to my wrist. "I have to do this" I say.

"No you don't Eren. You don't have to do this. It's not right. No one deserve to die"

"My mother didn't deserve to die yet she's dead. I killed her. I'm a monster" I press the blade deeper into my skin finally braking my skin as blood dripped down onto the floor.

"You didn't kill your mother Eren your father did. Your father is the murderer not you" Barloc argued back.

"Lies. Your lying. My father loved my mother so why would he kill her? I was the one her killed her. I'm the one who ruined this family.

I cut my wrist multiple times like I've done before. I had scars running up both arms with ones still healing from last time. Me being a omega and all meant I didn't heal as fast as normal werewolves.

I ran water over the freshly cut wrist. I hissed as it stung. I wrapped up my wrist and walked back over to my bed and laid down.

I guess I lost more blood than I thought. I let sleep over take me as I was wrapped in darkness.


I woke with a start as my dad entered my bedroom with one of the guards. His face resembled one of a horse. The top of his head was a ash colour and with brown around the sides.

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My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now