chapter 16

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Spoilers we finally get to see Eren's wolf. Sorry.

Not sorry.

Okay sorry.

Not. Lol.

Recap of where we left off

"Meaning your child is gonna become a very strong Alpha and we want you to get Nori and hopefully Eren Follows" Jason says.

"Don't fail us Jean" Alpha Jeager adds.

~1 week later~

Eren's P.O.V

"I'm so nervous" I say.

"What for?" Levi asks.

"Of everything. Plus I've only shifted once. I don't know if I can anymore" Levi comes up and hugs me from behind.

"The first time you shifted you didn't have your wolf. This time you do. He'll help you through it, so there's nothing to worrie about"

He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and smiles at me reassuringly.

"And you won't be doing this alone. You'll have Mikasa and Armin with you"

Then we hear the little cry of a waking baby. I go to get Nori but Levi stops me and smiles.

"I'll get him" he says.

He picks up Nori from the bassinet and cradles him. I still wonder what changed his mind.

How can he change from someone who thought deeply about not wanting me to someone who does.

I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts. It doesn't matter anymore. He's with me now and that's all that matters.

"Bring him here, he just woke up so he's probably hungry"

I slip my left arm out of the sleeve, then lift the left end of my shirt onto my shoulder so it's out of the way when I feed Nori.

He passes Nori to me and I bring him up to my left nipple and he begins to drink.

"Your such a good mother to him"

"Thank you" I blush as his words and smile shyly. He chuckles.

After a few minutes Marco walks in with a message to tells us.

"Everyone is waiting. Are you guys ready?" he asks quietly.

"Yes Marco. We'll be out in a minute" Levi answers.

Marco leaves and I'm now alone with Levi once again.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah. Let's go"

I put my shirt back on properly and rest Nori on my shoulder with both arms wrapped around him protectively.

I walk outside to see everyone in the pack was here. I gulp nervously and walk to the stage and stand beside my friends.

"It's alright Eren. No need to be nervous" Armin reassures me.

I smile nervously at him and nod. Levi walks outside and everyone looks over to him as he makes his way over to the stage.

He looks out to the crowd. His body speaks authority and power. It's hard to go up against him. You might as well just back down.

"We are gathered here today to an overdue welcome to three wolves to join our pack" he turns to us.

"For you to join this pack. You must first take an oath, then we connect through blood then I will take you for a run around the border line. Do you accept"

"Yes" we say at the same time.

"Alright repeat after me. I swear on my life"

"I swear on my life"

"To do everything in my power"

"To do everything in my power"

"To help the pack in anyway I can"

"To help the pack in anyway I can"

"Okay. Now it's time to join"

Levi opens a small box and pulls out a special looking dagger. He presses it to his thumb and draws blood.

He hands the dagger to Mikasa and she does the same to her thumb. They press their thumbs together.

"You are now apart of this pack"

Mikasa then passes the dagger to Armin and he does the same and they press their thumbs together.

"You are now apart of this pack"

Armin then hands me the dagger after I passed Nori to Mikasa. I wasn't afraid to cut my thumb. I had cut myself before.

I cut my thumb drawing blood and nervously press my thumb against his.

"You are now apart of this pack... And now it's time to run. Go behind a tree and shift"

"I'll look after Nori for you" Marco says and takes him from Mikasa. I thank him before going behind a tree.

I take a deep breath. I'm scared. What if a can't shift? What if Levi doesn't like my wolf?

"Eren you'll be. I'm here with you" Barloc incourages me.

I take another deep breath and undress. I close my eyes and focus. I start to feel my bones crack and shift.

Soon I find myself on all fours. My paws were black. I looked behind me to see white fur with a black tail.

Picture below of what Eren looks like

Picture below of what Eren looks like

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Picture not mine

I walk back out to see everyone was looking at me. I heard gasps, wow's and awe's.

I keep my head down with my ears flattered. My tail low as I walk over to the other three wolves.

Armin was a blonde sandy coloured wolf with big blue eyes. Mikasa was slightly bigger than Armin. Her fur was black as her dark blue eyes glowed.

And then there was my mate. Levi in his huge wolf form standing tall. His fur was pitch black and silky. His steal grey eyes seem more vibrant in this form. He was just absolutely beautiful.

"Let's go" he mind links us.

Sorry gonna end it there.

Levi: your so cute in wolf form.

Eren: *blush* thanks. Not bad yourself.

Levi: I just wanted to jump your bones right there and then.

Eren: *blushes more* WAHH

My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now