Chapter 4

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I was ashamed of myself. I brought shame on my father. He was ashamed of me. He hated me and I was alright with that. He had all the right to me.

Hanji gasped and my head shot up to look at her shocked face. I knew it. She thought I was pathetic.

Eren's P.O.V

"Eren, I knew you'd have scars and all but not this many" suprised was written in her voice.

"There are scars all over your body and look at your arms. There's so many. Some of these look new" she looks over my arms touching each scar with care.

I pull my arms to my chest and hold them close to me. I don't like people staring at me or my scars.

"Eren who did this to you?" She asks.

I shake my head side to side not wanting to say a thing. If father knew he would kill me.

But he's far away now. He doesn't have any control over me any more. He can't hurt me. Can he?

Can I tell them. Can I trust them. Can I rely on them. I don't know. I'm unsure of what to do.

"Eren you have to tell me" she pleads.

".......M-most of t-the cuts on. On my a-arm are made by. By m-me" I shutter. My whole body shaky badly as fear consumes my body as I'm about to say these next words.

"The rest are from my. My. My pack. My own pack and my own f-father. H-he beats me. Straves me. Locks me in my room. He's ashamed of me" I cry out.

I feel arms wrap around me as Hanji tries to comfort me. "But I deserve it. I deserve it all. Because. Because I killed my own mother. I don't know what she was like or how she looked. But I took her away. Away from father. I'm a monster" Tears fall down my face like a never-ending waterfall.

"That's not true Eren"

"Yes it is. You weren't there. How would you know. You don't know anything" I shout.

"Eren please calm down. Listen to her words. She specks the truth" Barloc pleads.

"Oh shut up Barloc" I frown which let's Hanji know I was talking to my wolf.

"Eren your an omega-" I cut her off.

"Well yeah ya don't have to keep reminding me" I shout.

"The Alpha would have killed her to stop her from having birth to more omegas. If an omega is born into a pack it shows weakness. Your Alpha doesn't want his pack to seem weak or it'll get attack. To him he was protecting his pack, even if it meant killing a pack member" she states.

"H- hic he wouldn't d- hic do s- hic something like th- hic that" I hiccup as I wipe all the tears away.

"Eren, having a woman in the pack who had birth to omegas is a sign of weakness. An Alpha doesn't want to be seen as weak. So therefore he killed her. You didn't. He did"

"No your wrong.... your.... wrong"

"Eren please hear her words, she's right. You weren't the who killed it was your father. He killed her. Not you"

"SHUT UP BARLOC" I scream at him. But then I realized that I just said that out loud.

"N-not you" I say to Hanji.

"Its okay.........Barloc means hope right?" Hanji asks.

"Ah. I don't know. Maybe?"

"It's a beautiful name" she smiles.

"Thank you"

"Barloc says Thank you" I say to her in a quiet voice.


I was in my office when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I call out to whoever is behind the door.

Mike walked in straight after. Guess that means hes back and hopefully with some omegas.

"We were able to some new members. 20 males and 7 females and we were only able to get one omega but hopefully he's enough to scare the rogues" Mike reports.

"You only got one" I wasn't asking.

"He was the only one we could find. We spent 2 weeks trying to find him. I guess their even more rear than I thought. Plus he was fucken expensive" Mike stated though keeping his place as he knew he was a lower ranking than me.

He knew not to boss me around. I'm the Alpha. No one orders me around. I'm the one giving orders not taking them.

"Guess he'll do.... settle him in and find him a room preferably the smallest one you can find. He'll start cleaning tomorrow morning after he has breakfast" I order.

(Sorry guys I know one of you wanted Eren to look after children but I wanted to stick with the anime and make Eren clean)

"Yes sir" he bows and leaves the room. As he leaves Petra walks in. She looks at him then looks at me.

"Mikes back I see"

"Yup he just gave me his report. He was only able to find one omega but one enough"

She walks over and stands between my legs before she sits down in my desks. I was a little mad that she sat on my desk but I decided to let it slip so I didn't want to argue about something pointless.

"Yeah I heard this new she-wolf talking about how he's such a cutie" she put her index finger on her chin and looks up.

I give a little small at the sight I saw. Petra is such a beautiful woman. It's kinda a shame she's not my mate.

I think she would have been a great Luna for my pack. I just hope I find my mate so Petra can find hers.

"What you thinking about Levi?" Petra asks me sweetly.

"I was thinking about why you weren't my mate. I think you would have been a wouderful luna for this pack" I say truthfully.

"If you don't find your mate, I will be remember" she smiles at me.

I sigh "I'd hate to think that she's still out there when I make you mine.....
I'm sorry" I look down, then look up and loo her dead straight in the eye's.

Her face held sad emotion and I felt slightly bad but I wasn't a man for emotions. I didn't do well with them.

"I'm truly sorry Petra" my words had no meaning to them because I wasn't sorry. I only want my mate beside me, not some fill in.

"I'll think I'll be going now. See you later Levi" her vocie was pained as she left.

I'm sorry Petra but I don't want you. I want my mate.

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My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now