Chapter Twenty

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~~So, believe it or not the song above is actually kind of romantic despite the melencholy tone. Also, if you haven't already go check out the best (in my opinion) strictly boyxboy library on Wattpad. DrenchedArchive
She has the easiest to navigate library and I've found so many amazing books on here because of her. So go forth and check her out, follow her, etc.
Also enjoy.~~

{Chapter Twenty}

I wake to the sweet smells of breakfast; pancakes, maple syrup, powdered sugar, and the likes. I open my eyes after I register all the scents permeating the air, and blink a few times to focus my eyes. I first notice the off-white paint on the ceiling, and though confusion seems to run through me for a minute at the unfamiliar color, I remember I'm not in my own room, or rather not my own house.

I stretch and yawn after I remember what happened last night before I turn to see if Jer is still in bed. As I suspected, he's gone, probably in the kitchen where I assume the smells of breakfast are coming from.

So of course, I decide to go ahead and get out of bed, though when my feet hit the soft black carpet, I realize I have to pee. I stand, stretch again while a few of my joints pop, and head to the bathroom across the room. After I relieve my bladder and flush, washing my hands, I run a wet hand through my hair in an attempt to fix it. It doesn't do much to help but my hair doesn't actually look too bad in the first place so I don't bother with it anymore.

I leave the bedroom, vividly recalling where the entrance to the kitchen is despite my memory of last night being a bit fuzzy because of how tired I was. I walk through the familiar hall, walking through the doorway to the kitchen. I stop in the doorway though, watching in amusement as Jer sways his hips in time with the music playing softly through the speakers on the walls while he flips a pancake.

I contemplate interrupting him by calling out to him but instead I silently move across the cold gray laminate tiles of the kitchen until I'm behind Jer. I smile a bit before I place my hands on his hips then I snake them around his naked waist. He jumps in surprise, dropping the metal spatula onto the iron skillet, making a loud clanging noise resound in the kitchen.

He turns in my arms, relaxing slowly as an amused smile graces his lips. He lifts a hand to move a piece of hair out of my face before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"How long have you been up?" he asks curiously.

"Not long," I say with a shrug. "I only woke up a few minutes ago." He nods in understanding before leaning down to kiss me on the forehead once more. Then he turns back around to flip the pancake onto the plate beside the stove that holds a stack of them. I drop my arms from Jer's waist so he can lead the way into the dinning room where a sleek black and white table is holding the rest of our breakfast. There's two spots set at the table despite there being six seats, with a bowl holding what must be eggs, a plate of bacon, and a pitcher of orange juice.

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