Chapter Twenty-Three

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{Chapter Twenty-Three}

I go up to the door and knock when I get to Ian's house. Haiden answers with a bright smile and motions me into the house.

"Levy, I wasn't expecting you. Ian is up in his room." He adds after closing the front door and turning the lock. I take a step towards the hall but glance at Haiden, trying to read from his face if everything is okay. Considering he answered the door smiling, I assume everything is okay. He also looks fine, a bit happier than he was yesterday for sure. So I nod with a smile of my own and walk through the familiar hallway.

Passing white walls and family photos, along with the living room where Owen is watching some kind of romance film. I walk up the stairs and down the next hall, stopping at Ian's door. I open it without bothering to knock and bite my lip.

Ian is once again at his desk, typing on his computer quickly with earbuds in to drown out every other noise. I close the door behind me and move across the room, getting a sense of deja vu when I hear the distinct sound of heavy metal coming through his earbuds.

I move behind him and tap him on the shoulder, still unsure if it would be okay to wrap my arms around him like I want to. He jumps in surprise, yanking his earbuds out and turning in his chair. His eyes brighten when he registers that it's just me and I smile.

"Hey," I greet and he grins, jumping out of his chair to hug me.

"Hey," he echos in greeting. I smile, holding him tightly to me and resting my chin on his head.

"Ian, I...we need to talk, baby." I state, pulling away to look at him. He looks at me with curious and nervous gray eyes.

"About what?" he asks nervously. I smile wanly at that, hoping he doesn't get upset.

"About us." I reply and clear my throat, dropping my eyes. "You, me, and Jer." I add and he stiffens though I don't expect anything less.

"Okay." He says with a nod after a moment of silence. I look around and lean down to kiss his temple lightly.

"Come on, let's go to the park." I say. I don't want to talk to him in his room, not that I don't like it because it's really nice but I don't want to talk about our relationship in the room where his last relationship was destroyed.

He tilts his head to the side in confusion but nods anyway and moves to pull his shoes on, grabbing his wallet and phone as well. I take his hand, leading him out his room, through the hall and down the stairs past the living room.

"I'll be back," he calls when we're halfway to the front door. I unlock the front door, open it and we slip out as Haiden tells us to be back before midnight. I walk across the grass to my blue Camaro parked at the curb, while Ian seems to take the stone path to the driveway, avoiding the grass.

I open the passenger's door for him and he slides in so I close the door, moving to the driver's door. I get in, close the door and turn the key, making the car start up with ease. I pull away from the curb and head to the park that's about a mile from his house. I park in an empty spot and we get out, walking to the gazebo close to the play structure in the middle of the park.

I look around the less than pristine gazebo, catching sight of numerous spots where the eggshell white yellow is chipped, revealing the aged brown wood beneath. I walk over to the railing facing the brightly colored play structure where kids are running around and laughing. Ian takes a spot next to me but I keep my eyes on the play structure.

"I don't want you to feel forced into anything." I state and continue before he can say anything in response. "If you don't want to be in this relationship, if it makes you uncomfortable in any way, I don't want you to feel like you have to stay with me. I want you to be happy, even if that means I won't have you."

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