Part 2

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I was still deep in thought when Derek intercepted and ended my train of thoughts.

"We're here." Derek said waving a hand in front of my face. I just slapped his hand from my face.

"You okay. You had a pretty intense thinking face on and we aren't even in school yet. Come on what's bugging you?" He said as he tried to search my face for answers. Pff as if my face will ever hold any answers.

"Yeah Im fine and nothing is bugging me except you. Your as annoying as a flea." I said laughing and getting out of the car.

"Annoying as a flea. Well that is a new one." Derek said laughing almost doubling over from it. What is so funny about being called a flea.

"Are you coming or not?" I asked him annoyed while rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah Im coming." He said as he walked up to catch up with me and then we walked through the doors of the school just as the sound of a blaring horn could be heard from the parking area. I could hear two people arguing who would pay for the damage and I just blocked that out of my head as I went for my locker.

After I was done at my locker I went straight to first period and the rest of the school day went by faster than expected and next thing I knew the bell signaling that school was over had rung. I got my purse out of my locker because that was all that was in there and went straight to my brother's car and waited for him.

"Okay you ready to go home now?" Derek asked dumbly.

"Yeah. But can you take my purse with you. I feel like walking home today." I said. I don't know why I felt like walking home today through the woods but I had this feeling that I just had to go through the woods to get to my house today.

"Well umm, okay. Be safe." He said as he started up the car and drove away. I turned to the woods and started going home.

Half way through the woods I suddenly heard growling and then a fight starting to happen. I could here tossing and turnings of whatever was happening getting closer. I could not believe my eyes of what I was seeing right before me. Two giant wolves were fighting. One was brown with brown eyes and the other one was an unbelievable gold color with green eyes. As the fight had a pause in it I decided to get closer while they were taking a break. It almost seemed as if they had been play fighting like two small puppies. But I was questioning myself 'Why am I not running for the hills screaming bloody murder?' But I felt like I wasn't in any danger and I wasn't scared.

As I drew even closer I heard a snap. I immediately jumped into the tree next to me to where I was hoping I wouldn't be seen.

'Ugh there I go again with this weird new reflex again.' Trust me I like it but it is weird.

I could hear the two giant wolves run right beneath the tree I was hiding in. All I did was tighten all my muscles in my body, ready to jump out of the tree if I needed to.

But out of no where this delicious scent filled my nose. It smelt like fresh rain and lilacs. The smell was so intoxicating and it was coming from the giant golden wolf.

I was debating on my plan to get out of this tree without breaking any of my bones as humanly as possible. But right before I was about to execute my plan, the gold wolf had spotted me and the look in his eyes were of love, longing, possessiveness, care, and a look that just pierced my heart. In a good way.  

But after that I had jumped out of the tree and was running for town and not my home. I looked at my watch and it had said 3:25. 'What!! I was in that tree for an hour!' Oh my god, Derek is going to kill me!

I could hear the chase of the two wolves coming after me. How I was out running them I don't know and really don't care at the moment. I was reaching the edge of the woods where it meets up with the town I slowed down and walked in casually. I could no longer hear the giant wolves behind me which was a relief but also a little sad because I wanted to look at that one gold wolf a little more.

I heard a honk behind me and I turned around to see a not so happy looking Derek. He just started blurting out a bunch of questions at me faster than I could answer. That smell of fresh rain and lilacs had dissipated when I entered town but it was now kicking up a storm again inside of my nose. I looked around for the source thinking the gold wolf was in town but instead my eye was caught by a guy who was maybe 18. He was well built like those dreamy lifeguards. His hair was the same gold color as the wolf and same green eyes. He had a nice tan a jaw chiseled by the gods and was maybe 6'4. He was a perfect man.

'Mate' I heard a voice inside of my head that was not mine and it freaked me out.

Next thing I know Im being carried my Derek to my side of the car and being strapped in.

"You scared the hell out of me you know. I had to cover your butt from mom and dad. So what were yo-" he stopped mid sentence and I looked over to him and he was staring at my left shoulder.

"Your birth mark is showing" Derek said as he pointed to my left shoulder. My birth mark was of a wolf paw. A very distinct wolf paw. I always found it beautiful but I always covered it up so I wouldn't get weird stairs. But I guess the makeup came off of it when I was running out of the woods.

"So are you just going to sit there or do I have to get you out of the car as well?" Derek said teasingly because he had to put me in the car to.

"No Im fine I can get out myself." So I got out and Derek had gone inside the house already. And right before i was about to close the door to my house that scent hit me again and I looked up and saw that beautiful wolf again at the edge of the woods near my house.

All I did was look it in the eyes and had the urge to smile and wave at it. And I did. When I looked back the wolf had a shocked look in it's eyes then softened and love replaced it in it's eyes. Then with a click I had shut the door.

I had fun making this chapter. And I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Let me know what you think, share, and favorite. Catch you all latter.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now