Part 28

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I woke up to the sound of chirping birds chirping away to their morning melodies that always brought peace to my mind. I smiled as I looked out the frost covered window that would soon thaw when the sun would rise to it's highest point at noon. I swung my legs out of the hospital bed and relaxed as I sat on the edge of the bed with a smile on my face. But I felt like I was missing something, a piece of me felt as if I was incomplete. I heard a small gurgle behind me and immediately jumped off the bed and rushed over to see my beautiful babies sound asleep. Well baby actually, Crystal was wide awake with a smile on her face as looked down at her.

'Guess you get you're early riser trait from me.' I thought to myself.

Crystal lifted both of her arms up to me as she laid there silently. I picked her up and sat down in a chair that was maybe three feet away from a sleeping Sky. I felt Crystal squirming in my arms letting out soft baby noises, probably so she won't wake up Sky.

"Are you hungry?" I whispered softly to her, and as if to answer my question, she let out slightly louder but still soft gurgle. I brought closer up to me and places a small kiss on her forehead. I looked around from where I was sitting to see if there was any food for her. Then slight tinge of pain from my right breast that slowly dissipated. I looked down at Crystal who was now drinking my breast milk.

"Did you forget that we can breast feed or something. I'm surprised you didn't feel the soreness in you're breasts when you woke up." Lilly said nonchalantly.

"Well it was only brought to my attention when Crystal started to suckle." I said to her calmly.

A few minutes later Crystal was done and I was able to make her burp. I then heard fussy movement coming from Sky who was now awake and most likely hungry. I put Crystal back in her bed and picked up Sky who couldn't wait two seconds for me to sit back down before he started suckling from my left breast. Greedy for food just like his daddy. I went through the same process as I did with Crystal and when I was done I put Sky back in his bed to. Both of them drifting back off into a peaceful slumber. I smiled as I watched them sleep, wondering what they were dreaming about. Soon after, I felt two warm arms wrap around my waist sending sparks through me and then a chin rested on my shoulder.

"It is about time you woke up. I was so lonely and bored without being able to hold you and talk to you." Ryan said in a whiny voice.

I turned around in his arms and gave him a small peck on the lips.

"Sorry you had to suffer without me." I said teasingly.

A/N: Here is the other half of the chapter before this one that I promised. Hope you all are enjoying this book so far. And thank you for the support on this book, it really means a lot to me.

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