Part 16

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Marie's POV:

I climbed up the tall rocky hill to the top of the waterfall so when I jump off I will get to the bottom of the lake faster. I took a deep breath then let it out. Then I jumped, cold air rushing past me and then the surprisingly warm water submerged me. I swam to the gem and then I grabbed it and swam up to the surface.

"Here." I said holding it out to my mom. But she shook her head.

"Put it in the necklace." She said.

I put it in the spot where the gem had once been. When I put it in it's spot it started glow even brighter than the moon and the sound of three wolfs howling rang out into the air around me and then it all stopped.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure what that was." My mom said looking at the moon confused.

"Well lets go back to the lodge." I said and she agreed. When we got back to the lodge my mom walked with me to my room.

"Remember this Marie. You can tell no one about this okay." She said in a serious voice.

"Okay." I said.

I unlocked the door and walked into the room and was greeted by a happy Nicolette.

"Hey your finally back I was so bored being alone so I invited that guy from the pool over but when he came, he brought that guy that wouldn't leave you alone at the pool." She said in a guilty tone.

"Its okay. I will just tell him to leave." I said simply.

"I tried already but he kept saying no. Even his friend told him to leave and he still said no. So good luck." She said with a sheepish smile.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked out to bump into the annoying guy from the pool.

"Hey took you long enough to get here. I've been waiting for you." He said with a creepy grin.

"I already told you I'm not interested and you need to leave." I said as I walked past him but he grabbed my wrist.

"Common don't be like that." He said pulling me to him.

I pulled my wrist from his grip and then walked to my room and I heard him walking behind me. I went into my room then shut the door and locked all the locks on it and took my phone out of my shorts I put on after I got the gem. I then texted Ryan to come over as soon as he could. I heard my door knob making noise and I knew it was that creepy perv.

"Get out of my hotel room right now this is you're last chance!" I yelled at him.

"You need to relax. How about you unlock this door and I will show you how to relax." He said with a laugh in his voice.

'There is something off about this guy and I don't like it Marie.' Lilly said being on high alert.

'I know. I knew he was off before but now I just have a bad feeling about him. I don't think he is normal.' I said to Lilly.

Then the noise stopped and there was silence. I couldn't even hear Nicolette talking to the other guy anymore. It's like they all just disappeared. I heard a knock on the hotel room door.

"Marie are you still in there?" I heard Ryan ask.

I pulled out my phone again and I said that there is something wrong and that I locked myself in my bedroom.

'Marie what do you mean?' Ryan asked concerned.

'Those guys from the pool are in the room with Nicolette and one of them was being very odd. He isn't normal. And now it's dead silent.' I told him with a hurried voice.

'Well I can't get in.' He said and I heard the door try to open and it was Ryan trying to bust the door.

'There is an extra key card under the rug out there.' I told him.

I could hear the door unlock and open and I unlocked my door then opened it and saw Ryan and I rushed over to him.

"There is no one here Marie." Ryan said as he looked around the room.

"But no one left I would have heard the door open." I said as I looked around the room with him.

"Well maybe they left when you were locked in you're room and you just didn't hear them." Ryan said.

"No they are still here I just know it." I said as I began to pace back and forth.

"Calm down Marie your fi-" Ryan stopped mid sentence when a noise came from the other bedroom that Nicolette was using to sleep in.

Ryan turned and looked at me and I looked at him. I walked to the door and slowly opened it and walked in. I didn't see Nicolette so I checked to see if she was doing her makeup in the bathroom but she wasn't there as I walked out I saw a figure laying down on the floor next to the bed. As I walked to the figure on the floor I realized that it was Nicolette.

"Oh my god! Nicolette!" I yelled as I ran to her. I saw that she had blood on her head and a bruise was forming.

"Ryan help I found Nicolette!" I yelled for Ryan.

I heard Ryan running over to the room but the door slammed shut and I turned around to see both of the pool guys standing there with a lust for blood look in there eyes.

"Marie! What is going on in there?" Ryan shouted as he banged on the door.

"Sorry Marie is going to be a bit busy." One of them said.

Ryan just started shouting and A few familiar scents had wavered in and it was his friends and my family. How sturdy is that door!? They both started to approach me in a hostile attack position.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now