{PART 1} | 1] Elyza Lex

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A/N: hi guys so I really hope you'll like this fic and if you could leave a comment or vote to let me know, it would be really appreciated, thank you so much, have a nice day. -ale

Heartbeats shouldn't be this loud

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Heartbeats shouldn't be this loud. Mine was pounding like a war drum. In a sense, I guess that's exactly what it is. We are in a never ending war against the infected.

"Run!" I screamed. "Nick, RUN!" I took off as fast as I could. I could see at least 20 infected heading our way. Growling, snapping their rotted jaws. Where did these infected fucks even come from?

Nick looked back at the infected and I could see true fear in his eyes. I have never seen my brother so scared before. That made my heart pound even harder. He slipped his arm under Ofelia's and grabbed her waist to help her up from the ground. She had fainted from the lack of food eaten in the last week. I gave her my last honey packet to get her sugar up. We were resting in the alley behind the store we were scavenging. Three stores we checked today. All were already ransacked or over crowded with the infected. I knew when we set out this morning that today was not going to be my day. It was our first time out on our own since we left Strand's boat for good. "It's a small town Travis" I remember telling him. "We will be fine! We need to split up and cover more ground for food." Yea.. I'm an idiot.

"Chris, help Nick with Ofelia!" They were taking too long and the group of infected were closing in. I already had my weapon of choice out when an infected lunged for us as we passed another alley way. I swung my bat with as much strength as I could muster. There was a deafening CRACK. I couldn't tell if it was from the infected's skull shattering, or its neck breaking away from its spine. Either way I didn't let it slow me as I continued running.

"Number 16, Alicia Clark hits another grand slam outta the park! The crowd goes wild!" Nick said pumping his fist. I let the corners of my lips pull up in a small smile. Nick and I have had our problems, but he was always my biggest fan. I played softball for 6 years and he never missed a game. Who knew my love for the game would help me in the apocalypse.

We turned the next corner and saw it was free of the infected. I saw a fence surrounding what looks like a park. I scanned the area and saw it was infected free.

"Over the fence! It looks safe enough so we can catch our breath" Nick yelled at me. I hopped the fence quickly while Chris and Nick helped Ofelia over where I was waiting to catch her.

"You ok O.?" I wiped the hair out of her sweat soaked face. She nodded at me.

"I'm so sorry Lici. I really don't know how much farther I can go." I can see a tear fall from her eyes before she quickly wipes is away.

"Hey" I say. "Listen to me, you are going to keep going. We are not leaving you. We will find our way back to the others together" I look at Nick and Chris for some help and reassurance. Nick catches on right away.

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