34] that's not good

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Elyza walks into the Humvee and goes straight to Maree, who is now awake.

"Hey.. Maree. You're ok? Are you doing a little better?" She asks Maree. Knowing she would pick up on the urgency of the situation, but that she still cares about her sister.

"Yeah. Now I just want to get those mother fuckers." Maree tells her.

Elyza nods and goes to sit in front of her. "I need you to try and tell me everything you remember about those new guys you saw. What they were wearing. Their weapons, vehicles anything. Everything."

"Well their right hooks are shit, compared to yours. They were in Corp vehicles. They are definitely military, were wearing either Marines or Navy uniforms. I couldn't tell, and they didn't have any patches. They were shouldering M16's, but didn't use them on me. I was able to get away from them. So they're fucking stupid. That's a plus."

"If you saw one of them again, would you remember him? Did you get a close enough look?" Elyza asks.

"Fuck yes. Then I would shoot him in the fucking face." Maree clenches her fist to her side, then flinches from the pain in her ribs.

"Can you stand?"

Maree tries to sit up, but it takes a lot out of her. Elyza can see tha. The effort just opened some of the lacerations on her stomach, as its bleeding through the bandages. Elyza puts a hand on Maree's shoulder.

"It's ok Maree. Just look out this window for me, ok?"

Maree nods and tries to scoot herself a little closer, while trying to remain as comfortable as possible. She watches as Elyza gets up and leaves the truck.

Elyza comes out of the truck, and heads straight over to Mike, like a mad woman on a mission. Which, yes. She is definitely in a mood.

She grabs him by the back of his neck and pulls him to his feet. He starts squirming around. "Please. Don't feed me to the dead. Or my eyes. Please!"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." She growls.

I follow her as she drags him to the truck and slams one side of his face against the back window.

"I'm not sure, can I see his other side?" I hear Maree yell.

Elyza steps back with Mike and then slams the other side of his face into the window.

"Hmmm? What about the front?" Maree says in a tone.

Oh. I see what you're doing Maree. At least her sense of humor is back a little. Fucking Lost Boys. I wonder how many times I'm going to say that, through out the rest of my life? Probably an amount that couldn't even be tracked.

Elyza steps back again, and slams the front of his face into the glass. After a minute Maree doesn't say anything. Elyza pulls Mike from the window, and drags him back to where he sat previously. She looks to Daniel and he nods. Understanding the same rule applies about Mike moving.

She walks past me but motions for me to follow her. We go into the truck and back to where Maree is sitting up. I can see that her bandages need to be changed.

Elyza and Maree start talking low in trigedasleng, and all though I have been getting lessons, I can't understand them. They are talking too low and fast for me to catch anything besides "frag em op". Which means kill him. I've heard them all use that phrase many times about Jayson.

"Ofelia? Can you go grab the first aid kit? Mom can you go and help her?" I have a feeling that they don't want to talk in front of them, but I want to know what's going on.

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