36] she's family

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I have been pretending to still be knocked out for the last 10 minutes, just trying to get a handle on what's going on. Here I am, sitting in the back of a car, kidnapped... again. To be honest, I really kinda still believe that I'm being Punk'd.

Also, since I'm now a certified professional hostage, I'm not even really that scared anymore. At this point, bring it Jayson. I'm ready for something new anyway. There has to be other things the apocalypse can throw at me. A rouge group of bandits? A crazed group of cannibals perhaps?

So here I am, doing my kidnapped thing, Mike is driving. He zip tied my arms in front of me. Stupid move, you dick. I open my eyes, and try to look around where we're at. Maree is laying next to me, and it looks like we are driving on the highway. I decide to make my move, before I can doubt myself. We see how well that turned out last time.

I jump up and wrap my arms around Mike's neck, choking him. On instinct, just like Elyza had told me before, both of his hands go up to try and peel my hands apart, leaving the steering wheel. I have my knees pressed to the back of the seat, leaning back with all the strength I have in me, against his throat.

The struggle causes him to press his foot harder on the gas, and his knees to knock the steering wheel. The car crosses the median without slowing, and heads straight for the trees. I pull my arms back at the last second and brace myself for impact behind the seat.

We bounce between 3 trees before coming to an abrupt stop. I'm thrown around hard, but the front seat stops me from flying forward. Maree gets tossed to the floor next to me, which causes her to wake up. When we stopped I heard a loud crash. I slowly lift my head to look into the front seat and see that Mike had went flying through the windshield.

"Are you ok?" I ask Maree, as I reach to help her up.

"I didn't think it was possible to be banged that hard by something other than Lyndsey." She says shaking her head a little.

A little smile graces my lips. Fucking Lost boys.

"We have to go Maree. Lets check make sure this mother fucker is dead, than we have to try and find a car to get back to the group. Do you think you could break these?" I hold my wrists out to her. She slides a knife from her boot, and cuts the restraints for me. I let out a small moan, robbing my sore wrists and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"As hot as you are, Alicia, I'm sorry but we can never be. My heart and body belong to another." She fakes an apologetic look.

"How will I ever move on?" I tell her. She puts one of her hands on my cheek.

"It will be a long and painful journey, I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty amazing, and hard to get over. But you will get there, I promise." She reaches into her other boot, and hands me her spare knife. I put it up my sleeve, and move to get out of the car, so I can help her out.

When I reach to open her door, I hear something coming fast behind me. I move at the last second, and miss a boot that was aimed for my head. I roll to the rear of the car, trying to put some distance between the attacker. Maree kicks her door open before Mike can move his foot, and the force of it sends him back a few feet.

She jumps out of the car, adrenaline making her forget her injuries, and gets into a fighting stance. "Alicia, run."

"No. He is mine." I say mirroring her stance.

Mike jumps to his feet. He looks pretty banged up from the crash. Maree doesn't hesitate and she goes in for an attack. She is quicker than him, even though she is still hurt and healing. She lands a punch to his right jaw, before bringing her left hand up and cupping the back of his neck, pulling his face into her knee. He stumbles back a few steps, and she goes in for a kick. He grabs her foot, and pulls up, throwing her back into the car.

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