41] my neverland

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(A/N: if you feel uncomfortable reading some parts feel free to skip them. Ily)

I watch as Elyza pulls one of the only still functional chairs, across the floor to a stop, in front of the desk Jayson is pinned to. She flops down on it hard, before slamming both of her knives into the wooden top, on either side of Jayson's hands.

Jayson flinches at the act, still crying out in pain. "Elyza.." He starts, but stops when she pulls one of the knives out of the desk.

"Here is how this is going to work, fuck face. I am going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer them. You will not talk, unless it is to answer any of the questions I will be asking. And if you don't answer my questions, or I feel like you're not being entirely truthful.. Well, let's just say, you really don't want to do that." She takes the point of the knife she is holding, and put it to his cheek, pushing his head over in our family's direction.

"You see my friend over there, Daniel. He's a former soldier of the Salvadorian junta. Do you want to know what his job was? His job was to torture the enemies, to produce information." As she says this, I can see Jayson physically gulp. "Do you want to know his specialty?" She asks him, turning his head back to face her. She takes the point of the knife and brings it just to the entry point of the one in his right hand. She starts slowly dragging it across his arm, enough to stimulate the nerves throughout his skin.

"He would flay the skin of his enemies. Slowly peeling back the skin, until the information he sought poured out as fast as his enemies blood. If you don't answer my questions, he will make you. And if you lie to me.." She slams down the knife again, and reaches for the one stuck in his right hand. She starts pulling it slowly out of his hand, as he screams. Then she shoves it back in. With her one hand still on the right, she reaches for the knife in his left, and pulls them both out. Jayson screams again before falling to the ground.

"If you lie to me Jayson, I promise you, that I will flay your entire body myself." She says this, before walking over to Maree, Lyndsey and Jessika. "Get him cleaned up a little and give him some water. Make sure that gunshot isn't going to kill him. I have a lot of questions, and I don't need him dying on me in the middle of getting them answered."

The three girls take him away, leading him into a room off to the right. Elyza comes over to me, and I slide into her arms. "It's almost over?" I whisper.

"Almost, Hodnes." She says into my hair. "You don't have to be in there, while I do this."

I look up at her, and give her a kiss to the side of her mouth. "Yes I do. I need to find out what's going on with me. But thank you for giving me an out. Just another one of the many reasons why I love you, Elyza."

She grabs my face, and kisses me hard. "Ai hod yu in, Alicia. No matter what happens, what we find out, I love you. For always. That will never change." She looks around at our family, now starting to head over to us. "You are my home." She whispers. "My Neverland."

I don't have time to respond to that super fucking cute Elyza remark, as she lets me go and heads over to Daniel. She talks to him, Travis, and Strand, leading them into the middle of the room. The rest of the group heads over to me. My mom grips me up in a hug, followed by Nick, Chris, and Ofelia too. One big, giant family hug. Oh my fucking family. I smile.

After a minute, they all break away from me besides, Nick, and my mom. "Alicia, you need to stop getting yourself into positions like this." My mom tells me.

I laugh. "This is the apocalypse, Mom. This is just what the World has become."

"You're ok, Alicia? The bite? That thing you did.." Nick asks, as they pull away, to look at me while I answer.

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