37] welcome home

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Listening to nothing but the constant whirling blades of the helicopter, was pure madness. All I could picture was Elyza, and the way she would spin her own blades, against each palm in the same manor. My Elyza. My fucking brave, strong, and beautifully deadly Elyza.

She is all I can think about. I miss her. I'm terrified for her, since I know she's coming for me. I know that she is about to be in the last battle, of the war she has been waiting so long to end. I'm worried it's not going to end the way she had planned, and that thought makes my heart ache. I'm trying to force myself to be strong and push my worries away. She is Elyza fucking Lex! I can't doubt her, not now. Not when she needs my confidence in her. Not when she hasn't really shown me any reason not to be completely confident in her.

I just have to focus on doing anything I possibly can to help her. I subconsciously pull at my restraints. Ok. So I'll be able to form a better plan once I'm out of this flying tin can.. probably. Fuck, I really have no idea what I'm walking into, besides some crazy lunatics scheme to get my girlfriend's blood for a cure. And that they need test subjects.. and that there is a 50 percent chance of survival for said subjects.. Ok. So I guess I pretty much know the basics of what I'm walking into.

I don't get much more time to ponder my situation, as the helicopter starts to descend. My hearts starts racing, and I get a sudden burst of adrenaline into my veins. I look to my right where Maree and Lyndsey are sitting, foreheads resting against the others, whispering in Trigedasleng. My heart starts a whole new level of aches and pains.

A few moments after we touch down, the side door opens, and I'm immediately grabbed by a waiting soldier, and forced outside. The guy who grabs me has dark hair, a strong jawline with a dimpled chin, and a look of superiority on his face. I look away from him and check out my new environment.

The compound is huge. We are multiple stories up on the roof. I scope out the fence surrounding the giant perimeter, which is then surrounded by the dead. It looks like we are in the middle of nowhere. Great. Escaping probably won't be an option.

Lyndsey and Maree, are taken out next, and they each have 2 soldiers leading them. They lead us through the roof door, to inside, where an elevator is waiting to carry us down to Hell. Where the Devil himself is waiting for me. Or so I imagine.

It's so quiet in the elevator, it's starting to drive me insane. The quiet and feeling of the unknown gives me time to think, and worry. I don't need that shit right now. Before I can stop myself I start whistling, the Kill Bill whistle song. Elyza had told me before how she uses it when she is stalking a kill, and that all of the Corp knows it.

Chin dimple looks at me, and gives me an arrogant smile. I hear Lyndsey and Maree join in behind me, and it starts to rattle the other soldiers. They start shifting from one foot to the other anxiously, and looking to the man who has me, for direction. I swear one of the soldiers holding Maree looks behind himself, to double check Elyza didn't sneak into the elevator. Oh how I wish that were true.

Dimple still has a hold on both my arms, he drops them and grabs my face with one hand. His fingers pressed into my cheeks, making it impossible to keep up my scare tactic. It forces my lips to pout out. Maree and Lydsey both react at the same time, and the other soldiers have to double up to hold them back.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Lyndsey says.

"Or what?" He says back.

He starts to look me up and down, before returning to stare at my face. He looks down at my lips, a smile growing on his, and I know what he is going to do, before he even does it. I try and pull back, but he has a strong grip on my face, and is pulling me to him. So I do the next best thing. When he leans in to put his disgusting lips to mine, I throw my forehead at him before he can react, and break his nose.

the living are hungry hodnes [ lexark ]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα