Chapter 8: Finishing trainning

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I'm trying to finish the land of waves arc before I start school, since afterwards iam going to be updating rather slowly, so sorry for that, and the next chapter will probably be the last capter in the arc.

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Chapter 8

Sasuke Pov

“Good morning” Sakura greeted us, yawning. She sits down at the table, just as Tsunami brings her a bowl of food.

“Here you go!” the woman says cheerfully, giving Sakura a closed eye smile.

“Oh thank you!”

“Where is Sara? She wasn’t in bed when I woke up” Sakura asks.

“She woke up before the two of you” Kakashi states “She said she was going to train a little”

“Naruto’s not here too?” Tazuna asks, sipping a cup of hot tea. “He must’ve been out all night again”

“He’s probably lying dead somewhere” Sakura scoffs “He’s been overworking himself, climbing trees in the dark”

Tsunami walks back over to the table, dying a pan with a cloth.

“Well, I certainly hope he’s not” she says worriedly “Honestly, a child sleeping out in the woods alone? It’s so dangerous out there”

Kakashi waves his hand dismissively.

“He’ll be fine, don’t worry about him” the jounin assures her “He may be a complete idiot, but he’s still a full-fledged ninja, so he’ll be just fine.”

“Hm, Sakura’s right” I say “He probably is lying dead out there somewhere” I stand away from the table, placing my hands in my pockets.

“Sasuke?” Sakura calls “Where are you going?”

“For a walk” I reply simply, before walking out of the front door.

She must have gone early to avoid any questions I might have. She did the same thing last night leaving without giving me time to ask any questions. Where did she go last night? She didn’t go back to the house.

Sara Pov

I woke up early, Kakashi sensei was already awake, I told him I was going to train, before making my way to a clearing a little way from where Naruto was training last night.

I mostly want to train, just so I would avoid any questions Sasuke might have.

“Shadow clone jutsu” I say out loud, for 5 clones to appear surrounding me in a circle.

I draw my Katana as they come at me, I know fighting myself won’t do much but it’s the only way I can train right now.

As the clones come at me, with their own Katana, I block their attacks and lunge with my own at them, the sound of metal clashing was heard when our Katanas clashed, I put some chakra to my katana, and push them away before crouching, and swinging my one of my feet at them, Three of the fall while the other two jump on the air avoiding it.

I aim my katana at the fallen three, I get rid of two, but one manages to flip out of the way at the neck of time.

The thing about my clones is that I can give them as much chakra as I want, or limit them with certain skills, so when I create clones for training I give them different skills.

So two down and three to go, suddenly one of my clones, sheath her katana and starts making hand seals.

“Fire style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu” she shouts before putting a hand to her mouth, and shoots fire at me, I dodge every attack, before sheathing my own katana.

Balance of Light and Dark (Naruto Fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant