Chapter 47: New announcements!

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Sorry!!!!! I know this is long due!!!

I hope you enjoy it!!!! :D

Sara Pov

A couple of days have passed now I was in my room with Shizune, who was making sure I actually recovered, since yesterday I woke up and for whatever reason I could walk normally, and move normally without feeling stiff.

"I can't believe you recovered this quick" She huffing "I still think you should stay here for a few more days till we're sure you're fine"

"Please no!" I pleaded "I will go crazy If I stay here anymore, besides I am fine, I don't feel tired or any sort of pain"

"But..." She started but I interrupted her.

"Please!" I pleaded "If I feel anything is wrong I will come straight back."

She thought for a few seconds before sighing.

"Fine" She gave in "But if you feel the slightest pain you come in, and if you train just basic stuff"

"Roger" I told her as nodded leaving.

"Just sign the checkout papers at the front desk on your way out" She said at the door.

Yoshio Pov

I was staring at the apartment door, complementing whether to knock or just leave. Just when I was about to finally knock, the door opened revealing a 25 years old women, with light blond hair tied in a ponytail, light green eyes, she was shorter than me –about 165 cm in height- , and she looked at me nonchalantly.

"Midori, long time no see" I greeted awkwardly.

"Yeah" she replied "I heard you were back. You're welcome to come in"

She said getting out of the doorway, I followed closing the door behind me.

The room had only essential furniture; a table with couple of chairs in the main room which was also joint with the kitchen, a mini bookshelf next to the window at the other side and the kitchen had a sink, a couple of counters, a refrigerator and a few cupboards.

"Want some tea?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah sure" I replied as I walked to the bookshelf.

I looked at the photos above it, one was our team photo way back, I was five at the time with both Midori and Haruhiro twelve- Midori Yamada and Haruhiro Minami my teammates from when I graduated the academy- , and our sensei at the time was uncle Hideo. Midori was in the middle grabbing me in hug from the neck –since I was shorter than her at the time- pulling into the middle, as well as grabbing Haruhiro-who had short spiky brown hair, blue eyes ad was the tallest of the three of us- from her left by his arm into the middle two, while Hideo just smiled at us while patting her head.

Another photo was on Midori's fourteenth birthday, the last photo that had the three of us, Haruhiro died shortly after on a mission, all of us had our faces covered in cake, since at the time Haruhiro accidently pushed Midori into the cake, when she tried to get revenge she ended up hitting me instead, she did manage to get some cake on him in the end before we took the photo.

Another was when she made it to chunin at fifteen, it had both me and uncle Hideo with her, and there was another with her parents too.

She put the tray with the tea cups on the table as I took a seat opposite to hers.

"How does it feel to be back?" She asked calmly

"It's a bit hectic, trying to catch up to everything and getting everything sorted." I answered "So how have your seven years been exactly? I was surprised when your parents told you joined the ANBU"

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