Chapter 15: The perliminaries suprise

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Here's another one, and people i entered it in the 2013 NWA if you like it vote for it, it's under other category

Sara Pov

I was following Kotetsu, through the halls of the tower, Rei already went back, but Satoshi stayed with me and was supporting me as i walked.

We finally stopped at a door, Kotetsu knocked, and opened the door for me, when we heard "come in", Kotetsu held the door for me as i walked in, closing it afterwards, Inside was a small office, the hokage sat at the desk and infront of the des stood Anko, who looked like she had a fight of her own, and inside was most of the jounis as well, among them were Kakashi, Hideo, Kurenai, Asuma and Guy, they looked at me with worry, i knew most of the jounins, and they know that i a normal genin couldnt have injured me this bad.

"I guess since all this jounins are here..." i said standing on my own, without any support from Satoshi "That you already know he is here"

The hokage took his pipe out of his mouth, and blowed a puff of smoke, before he closed his eyes and gave me a small nod.

"I take it from your condition that you fought him?" He asked in his raspy voice, with worry. "Yes, i fought him right after he attacked team7"

The jounins didnt react so i they probably knew that, "I take it you fought him too" i said to Anko who sighed and gave me a nod, from what i knew at some point shewas Oroochimaru's student before he became rogue "He told me he was interested in Sasuke, no wondr he attacked him in the forest"

"He gave him the curse mark, but he survived, he and his team are alright for now, i saw them right before i came here" that made some of the jounin's eyes widen, and i could see the relief in Kakashi's eye, that his student is okay.

"How come he didnt take you?" a random jounin asked "we know he was after you"

"When i fought him, i...lost control, and used the dark energy" Hideo sensei's eye widened, "and when i was back to my senses, i used a justu that should have wekaned him for a couble of hours, i thought maybe he will comeback after nightfall, but he probably got caughtup with fighting Anko"

"So, what are we going to do about the exams?" Kurenai asked in concern "we cant possibly continue them under this conditions"

"We cant cancle them!" Anko yelled "He said that if we do he will end the village"

everyone looked at the hokage, waiting for his decision.

"The exams will continue" he announced "we will just have to be on the lookout, and be careful"

"But lord hokage-" Kurenai tried to object.

"We cant cancle them, some genins had already died in this exams, and the other villages wont approve" he explained "everyones dismissed for now"

"yes lord hokage!" everyone in the room said.

I tried to slipp before, Hideo sensei could catch me, but thanks to my injuries i failed,  he gestured for me to follow, both him and Kakashi, Satoshi helped me walk after them, we stopped when we were far away from any curious ears.

"So you lost control?" Hideo sensei stated more than asked "how exactly did it wear off?"

"My body couldnt take it" i stated smiling nervously "Let me guess you used your new jutsu?" i noded, and looked at Kakashi who was obviously enjoying this, along with Satoshi.

and all of a sudden i was hit on the head, i held my head in pain "Sensei i'm injured you know"

"Because of your own stupdity" he answered "you know better than to go against someone like Orochimaru, and you even lost control and used your dark release, than used a jutsu, that requires alot of energy"

Balance of Light and Dark (Naruto Fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon