Past 20

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  "OK! That's enough." Miss Kiran stopped us. "Now for the rules that you have to follow."   

She moved her eyes towards the crowd checking if everyone was attentive and then started, "1st, No one should in any way litter this place. You have to live in a dump hole if you do that. This is your home and its cleanliness is your responsibility." I groaned at that thought. I can no longer have a treasure hunt set up, damn! "There are two dormitories- one for girls and one for boys. You have to sleep together." she walked over to a door to the right and opened it."This one is for girls and.." she opened another door opposite to it, ".. this is for the boys."

We all peeped in like curious kids. It was also clean. The walls were painted a light shade of pink. It wasn't girly looking. White beds were lined up in two rows. They looked inviting. There were about 15 beds in each dorms. 

"But why are there so many beds in one dormitory? We are so few

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"But why are there so many beds in one dormitory? We are so few." someone from the crowd asked.

"Oh! There are few more to come tomorrow. They will be joining you in here." Mr. Singh answered. "And the other rooms in line you see, are study room. You have room mates  assigned to you who have the same profession as you so it would be easier to adjust." he said pointing at the other doors.

"Your luggage is kept in the study room, you will do your assignments there and keep your belongings neatly arranged.  Wash your own clothes and hang them in the terrace which is in the second floor." I hate washing clothes. Guess I have to wear smelly clothes.

I again shifted my mind to what Miss Kiran was instructing, "On the first floor, there is a room marked dining hall. You will have all your meals there. Be on time or you have to sleep hungry. And the most important one, NO SMOKING. NO DRINKING. Not in here. If you are caught with them here, you will be expelled irrespective of your performances."

Some groaned at the important rule. Mr. Singh stopped them,"Groan but don't break the rules. This is the list of your room no. along with room mate." he said pointing to a bulletin board by his side where a list was pinned. "And you will find your day-to-day schedule in your respective rooms. An alarm would be rung at every change of action- morning, gym, breakfast, work- that's you have to leave the academy for your institutes and return at lunch hour. Have lunch and head to the headquarter for your training. You will return late night, have your dinner and go to sleep. Done."

Phew!! That's quite a busy a busy schedule. Can't we have an alarm for rest time?

"This is for now. Go to your assigned rooms. You have the day to yourself. Unpack, rest, make friends- do whatever you want. Just be in time for dinner when the alarm rings." Oh! Ya, it was past lunch hours. Since a lot of people had different college timings so getting to this place took up the entire morning. We already had lunch earlier. But still my stomach growled for food.


"So lets meet up at your room once we are done unpacking." I said smiling, once we were near our room doors. We made friends quite quickly. And luckily we had friendly room mates. I was paired with the geeky guy, Karan while Avni was coupled with that sweet faced, Naina. Our rooms were even assigned opposite each other. Talk about luck!!

"Ya, sure." The three smiled at me and we entered our rooms.

 As told earlier, our luggage were already present there

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 As told earlier, our luggage were already present there. Straight ahead were the study tables, with our own PCs. There were cabinets above, underneath which lights were fixed which lit up the tables. The walls here too was white washed. There were two cupboards to our left and a washroom to our right. The room was spacious enough and I loved it. Now for the unpacking.

Boys are boys after all

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Boys are boys after all. We were done arranging our room in about 20 minutes. Just took all our clothes out of the suitcases and dumped it in the cupboard. We placed a few odds and ends at the study table and Over!

"So?" I heard Karan say. I looked at him. "We are done out here. Let's go the girls room." I grinned at him and soon landed ourselves at the girls room.


"Are you girls done? I and Karan grumbled looking at them. It seemed like almost half an hour since we were waiting for them to finish up with their 'decorations'. Ya, that's what it should be called if you looked their room. Actually just Naina's portion. Her study table had photo frames, a tiny mirror and a false flower plant. What was this needed for? They were now hard at arranging their cupboards. Taking out one cloth after another and placing it carefully in the cupboard. They were even separating the clothes- jeans on one side, shirts on one, above it some tops and dresses. Even shoes were arranged at the bottom shelf of the cupboard. Gosh! How many clothes do these girls own. 

Avni was done after sometime but Naina was still hard at work, setting up box like things inside her cupboard. Probably make up kits. If she was provided with paint, she would have even painted the room. Leave her.

Avni walked over to her study table and took the schedule. She was again studying it as if preparing for a test. "You know what.." she opened her mouth. "..we won't have any time to study. Like my fashion designing course and your chef course." She crunched up her nose at the mention of fashion designing. "They won't of course give us pass marks if we didn't study. So I suppose we have to complete our assignments at our institutions itself. We have no free time here."

"Ya right." Naina agreed at last done with her decoration. "We should split up our assignments. It will be easier to cope up. Help each other in studies will minimize our efforts. You and Abhi will work as partners while I and Avni work as one." she said looking at Karan.

"Ya.. Not a bad idea. I am looking forward to my first class." Karan smiled. Just then the dinner bell rang and we rushed out of the room. 


Hello readers!!

Wishing everyone a Happy and Wonderful Sankranti. I didn't have any classes so could update early. ?

So what did you think of this chapter? Good? Bad? The rules weren't that bad except it would be tiring. What did you think of the new characters. I have attached their pics above. Did you like their rooms? Do tell me.

I would dedicate this chapter to ashh_me for her support. Thanks a lot. And a huge thanks to rhythem_ and pavxoxo for always being there.

Next chapter will be about their journey as a chef and fashion designer. I might add a new POV.. Wait for it!!:)

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Lots of love<3

Happy Reads!!

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