Ch:15 Daddy, I love you

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Hello wattpaders!! It's been a while. For now, please enjoy this roller coaster.
David and I were standing in front of the jail my father was at. We walked through the front door and I told the guard,"I'm here to see Rock Williams."

He nodded his head and let us into a big room with other visitors. My father sitting patiently at a table.

My lips curved into a frown. Maybe this was a mistake.

I told David as I headed for the exit,"I should go. This was a bad idea."

He clasped a hand on my shoulder and said,"You wouldn't have come here if you didn't care. I told you I would be with you through the whole way. We can do this."

At least I've got someone by my side. It felt so odd to see my father in person, considering the fact that most of my life I believed he was dead. Although, I feel comfortable with David here.

"Amber, my little girl. Well, you aren't so little anymore. What happened to your leg?" he asked.

"I broke it when I fell out the window."

What's the point of saying I was pushed anyway? He wouldn't believe me anyway.

"I'm guessing that you are 14 and you will turn 15 on August 4. Am I right?" I can't believe he remembered my birthday.

"Yeah," I said nervously. I had so many questions, but I didn't know where to start.

"So," David said,"You must be Amber's father. She told me you were dead. If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up here?"

My father gazed at him and said,"I would be wondering who you are first."

David scratched the back of his neck and introduced himself. "I'm David, Amber's friend, classmate, and next door neighbor."

He flashed him a smile and my father smiled in return, but his eyes said something else.

This is getting awkward.

My father spoke, breaking the silence," I'll start by talking about my affair, which I will always regret. I loved your mom, but she was laid off and I had to work overtime to help our family. Then I met a woman while I was working. She was different. We would have lunch together and talk about all sorts of things. I always had fun with her. Then one day it was raining and-"

"No!" I yelled, interrupting him. I don't want to know how you hurt my mother.

My father stopped talking and David wrapped his arms around me.

"Amber, I'm sorry if.." he tried to apologize.

I put my hands over my ears and repeated,"La la la la la la la."

Although, trying to drown out the words of compassion was difficult. I don't know what to do. My father stared at me with concern on his face, but I walked out of there with my crutches as fast as I could. Tears flowed down my cheeks, but I don't know why.

David said, chasing after me. "What happened in there?"

As he stood there, compassion leaked from his face. It made me smile to know how much he cared. I wiped some snot onto my sleeve wiped the tears away.

"Amber, you didn't have to..." I blocked out the words he was saying. I didn't want to hear about my father.

So I went over to him and put my fingers over his lips. He didn't say another word, to my relief. Then I stared into his eyes and did something I never expected myself to do.

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