Ch:16 I Have No Friends

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I just want to say that I honestly don't like to talk about the subject of bisexual, gays, or lesbians because I am a Christian. I do not support it, but I don't judge either because no one is perfect and there are some desires that we can't handle. We should be able to confess to those desires and be honest with ourselves and everyone else. Please, enjoy this chapter because my main character, Amber, doesn't disrespect gays!
Everyone stared at me as I entered the classroom with my crutches.

"Mr. Combo, why are you late to my," he paused as soon as his eyes found the cast on my leg,"Never mind. I see you have crutches. That makes for quite an interesting weekend. Take a seat."

It felt better to have a free ticket for coming in late to class. Just like always, there is an empty seat next to Maddie.

"Hi," she said waving her fingers at me. I leaned my crutches against the side of the table and took out my notebook.

"So, what happened to your leg?" she asked.

"Fell out the window."

I didn't bother to tell people someone pushed me out. No one would believe me anyway. Although, I can't ignore that it. I could've died! Who would want me dead?

"Awww," she said as she squeezed my cheeks,"My boyfriend got hurt."

I swatted her hands away. "Correction. I am not your boyfriend, but we are friends. David and I are dating. So how was your weekend?"

"You want to know," she said,"Well my mom is a crazy woman and my dad thinks boys are bad. What do you think?"

That is not what I meant by 'How was your weekend'.

"I don't want to get into that conversation."

It may sound odd, but Maddie has this fear of boys. Most of her life, her father has been telling her over and over how boys are evil creatures. As a result, Maddie was too scared to interact with the male species for the longest time.

"Didn't I tell you that David has a girlfriend," Maddie said, tapping her fingers against the desk.

"His girlfriend was his sister."

Let me tell you, that shut her up real quick. She must have known. That sneaky witch is really trying me, isn't she? Anyway, the rest of class was peaceful. The last thing I need is for her to ruin the rest of my day.
I caught up with David who was waiting for me near my locker.

"Look it's the weird gay couple. He must have broken his leg while they were jumping on each other in bed," some random kid said as I walked by. I wanted to go over there and kill them.

"Don't listen to them. So, what did your mom say?"

"She-" I hesitated, unsure if David would even understand my mom. She's kind of difficult. "She says she was protecting me, but a lie is a lie. I know her character. She only lies to make-"

Should I even say it? No, I can't. She lies to impress people. She hides behind this beautiful facade that only the outside world sees. She's fake. I don't think I could tell David, not yet anyway. This was a very sensitive subject for me.

David put his hand on my shoulder,"Hey, it will be all right. Do you wanna see your dad again?"

Out of nowhere, one of David's friends showed up,"Bro, I had no idea you were gay. You guys are the famous gay couple of the school. You better watch your back or else the anti-gays club is gonna come after y'all."

After that brief explanation, he left. Is he serious? There's no way that there is a club like that.

David asked again,"Do you wanna see your dad again?"

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