Ch:21 I love you

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"Jason, what's going on?" I asked, more concerned about the whole situation.

"Betty here," he explained, "is dad's, other women. Mom, when I told you to go hang out with Betty, I meant to cry together. I thought you guys could relate to each other. I didn't mean get engaged or drunk. Besides, what are you doing here? Our house is next door."

She answered, her words slurring,"No one was home and there was a lot of commotion going on here."

Jason scratched his head while shaking it in disbelief.

"I'll take her back to her room," I said.

Jason nodded his head and mouthed thank you as he lead Stacy upstairs. In the corner of my eye, I saw Katy follow them, leaving her baby sleeping silently in the stroller below.

"David watch the baby for me," I mentioned, pointing at the stroller.

"Sure thing!" He gave me a thumbs up.

"You look familiar," my mom said as she tried to keep her balance. She was holding onto Betty, while she was holding on to the table. You'd think the child would show up drunk and stupid, but no.

"Let's go. You guys need to rest. Then,you can discuss whatever it is that you two were planning to do."

I went in between them and wrapped my arms around both of them. As I lead them back to our house, they kept yelling out random stuff.

"I love burritos!"

"I like pills!"

"Oh yeah, well I like death!"

"Is this a challenge for who likes the worst thing?"

"No, it's a challenge against who loves the worst thing."

"Well," my mom began,"I love knives."


"I love earthquakes."

Who loves those?

"I have one better than any of yours. I still love Rock Williams," my mom shouted.

I was concerned. Was my dad that bad?

Betty sighed,"I still love him too."

Silence filled the air as we approached my moms room. When we finally reached a door, the silence turned into awkwardness.

"Looks like you both win," I said, trying to break the tension.

I opened the door and laid my mom on the bed gently, or I at least tried. Unfortunately, she took this as an opportunity to vomit all over me. Thanks mom. At least there was a trash can.

I noticed Betty decided to get comfortable on my mom's bed also. I decided that isn't really a good idea since they are engaged. I pulled Betty away and brought her to my room.

"Throw up on the floor and I will dump it on your face!" I blurted out. I was a little shocked at how rude I was. I just didn't like Betty. The thought of her being my dad's mistress and my mom's new love interest made me sick.

I ran back to David's house, curious of what my brother and the girls were up to. Once I got upstairs, I heard whispers coming from David's room. I wonder where Katy went. I went to the restroom to clean off the vomit, but the door wouldn't budge.

"It's occupied!" I heard a familiar voice say.


She unlocked the door,"Amber?"

She gave me a confused look as I was a reeked horribly. Anyway, she let me into the bathroom with her. This was the best place to eavesdrop since the walls were so thin.

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