Ch:20 Anti-gay Club

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I'm sorry I haven't written in a long time, but I just wish this was easy. I've been avoiding writing this chapter for so long because I've been so depressed. I feel so heartbroken cause the guy I like likes someone else. It hurts so much. Sorry in advance for any triggering or sad stuff in this chapter.
"Ditching class?" My mom scolded me,"What were you thinking?"

I replied,"I thought it was okay to lie as long as it protects ourselves and others."

"Who were you protecting?" My mom yelled at me.

"I was protecting myself, because I didn't want to get hurt anymore!" I said, trying to yell louder than her.

She raised her voice more,"Who was hurting you?"

I just stared her straight in the eyes and whispered,"Do you even care?"

She came closer to me,"I heard you! Is that how you see me? I asked you a question. Answer me!"

"Everyone!" I screamed at the top of my lungs,"You, Maddie, David, dad."

My voice started to go. I whispered the last part,"Myself."

I took a seat and my butt made that poof
sound on the couch.

"You can't always lie," my mother explained.

"Then why can't we always be honest?"

She gave me that sad look, and I knew what it meant. She didn't have all the answers.

She sat on the couch next to me and asked,"So who is David?"

Looks like she cooled off.

"Mom," I giggled nervously.

"Are you already thinking of boys?" My mom said.

"Eww no he's not like that," I said gagging.

She wrapped her arms around me,"Why don't you just go to bed. Get some rest, especially for your voice. Promise me something, don't yell like that ever again."

I mumbled,"I love you mom, no matter how crazy you are."

"I love you too, but you're still grounded."
I didn't make any promises. I was going to that party, and being grounded isn't going to stop me. In all honesty, I've always wanted to just climb out my window and sneak out the house without ever getting caught.

Unfortunately for me, my window lead to my next door neighbor. Can I say awkward? The truth is, I miss David. I'm still shook about what happened earlier, before that weird kiss. He blackmailed me.

I fixed up my bed and used my pillow to shaped out the body underneath the blanket. Then I slid my window open, and felt the cold breeze hit my face. I grabbed the first jacket in reach and jumped out. Then I closed my window slightly, just enough so I could get back in.

There was the dog sleeping calmly. He's so cute! There was my neighbors fence, which I kinda had to jump. I put my foot here, and my other foot here. Whoa! Amber, you won't fall. I climbed up to the top, and just sat there with one leg on either side, as if I was straddling the fence. Don't worry, it wasn't pointy or anything.

How am I going to get down? I'm so stupid!

"It's cold," I heard a familiar voice say. I looked down to see David fumbling with his key. He tried to unlock the gate. Where is he going at this hour?

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