Chapter Five

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The scarlet satin bedding rubbed at my stomach, where my nightgown had ridden up a smudge. The irritable feeling woke me up after a few minutes. The sun peaked through the luxurious curtains, welcoming me in an ever so heartwarming way.

After my little display the day before, the Aube Hunters shooed me to bed. It was odd for them to dismiss my killing of a Thanatos so easily, suspicious even. I of course, was too tired to deny the offer and found myself in the large bed to rest.

A sigh overcame me as I swung my legs over the bedside, the creamy-colored nightgown covering my knees. I tilted my head back to relax, breathing in deeply while closing my eyelids. My body was sore from yesterday's antics, not to mention the bedframe I slept on. It was as stiff as a board.

After a few solid minutes or so, I dared to venture to the cobweb-covered wardrobe. I opened it with loud creak, finding my casual apparel hanging inside. I snatched my articles of clothing and began dressing.

Once dressed, I began my way towards the kitchen. I didn't pass a single soul on the way there, but I did find another basket of fresh fruit sitting on the table. They looked so juicy and delicious, just the thought of them made my mouth water.

"What do you think you're doing, miss Hamora?" A silky voiced purred into my ear. I flung around, having been caught in a state of pure famish.

I eyed Nyx carefully, "I was simply staring at the fruit on the table." What was the point in lying? It was just fruit anyway.

He shot me an amused smirk, clearly enjoying my state of hunger. "Oh? Perhaps you would like to taste one?" He inquired, a fine eyebrow raised in curiosity. He looked like a feline when he did this.

I nodded my head. I mean I was starving after all, I'd be ignorant to reject his offer. He shot me his famous smirk before walking over to the table and snatching a much loved juicy red apple from the basket.

Nyx turned and held his hand out towards me, the delicacy resting in his palm. I bit my lip, deciding whether or not to take the bait. I took the bait. My hand grabbed the apple from his palm, my fingers gently brushing against his. I held it to my chest, waiting for him to attempt to get it back.

"Interesting. Fast reflexes.." He mumbled more than anything. I eyed him suspiciously but took a large bite out of the red prize. Juice squirted out of my mouth. I grinned and continued to munch on the apple.

He shot me a victory smirk and watched as I mawed down on the fruit, sating my hunger. The silence was pitiful and filled the void between us.

After I devoured the fruit, I felt my stomach quiet. The beast had been fended off for the time being.

"Your little show last night.. It was amusing." He spoke grimly. "I've never heard of another female Thanatos slayer." I shot him a sly smile.

"I'm one of a kind, I suppose. Can't deny it." He eyed me as though I was the last treat in the basket; tempting but guilty. It was easy to calculate his expressions, almost too easy.

"Hmm," was all he said in reply. I nearly pouted at his horrible response.

Before I had time to comment on his reaction, a holler from upstairs interrupted me.

"Angel is back!" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who the heck was Angel? I hesitantly but curiously followed Nyx towards the door, our conversation put on hold.

The culprit of the interruption was already there, waiting patiently with the door held open. The morning rays shined brightly, blinding us as we stepped closer.

I came up behind Nyx, whispering in his ear softly. "Who's Angel?" I asked genuinely curious. He simply shot me a smirk, something I now know he's notorious for.

I sighed and kept my eyes peeled for any signs of life. My breath hitched when I caught sight of brilliant white hair, much like my own. Ange.

She was walking with the same reporter I had met previously. What was his name? I pressed my forefingers to my head in thought. Rayne? No, that was the angry red-head.

The feeling of being unable to grasp the name overtook me, frustration flaring my nostrils.

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